yay im 16!
me and tessa at cork's party
me and molly
"i am linnea"
me and molly at peer helper camp
i miss theatre class.....good times
"hold my foot"
converse chronicles
"oh how i miss rachel's purse"
they kinda look alike ha
linnea is so hardcore
cork at bowling alley
cork's true love.......wheat thins
me and jude
"i love bread......no i really do"
guys and dolls rehearsal
molly, cork, and me
haha i like this picture
haha look at cork in the background
molly: "what are you doing to my hair?"
brittany, me, cork, john, and lauren
the sophomores
brittany, molly, me, lauren, and cork
this is what happens when you have to be at school at 6:00 in the morning
little barbie guitar
"i love barbies"
1st day of 10th grade
molly and cork
cork and linnea outside of starbucks
haha one of my all time favorite pictures