Aug 07, 2004 13:19
Yr Beauty Kills (11:56:10 PM): supp
annnnd shes off (11:56:21 PM): ohh nm u
Yr Beauty Kills (11:56:44 PM): ohhh nm.. my lips hurt hHhHh
annnnd shes off (11:56:58 PM): whyYyYY
Yr Beauty Kills (11:57:22 PM): gahahaahahhahahah iono i pickedthem and they blled
annnnd shes off (11:57:50 PM): ahha i sfuckign love how we type
annnnd shes off (11:58:11 PM): the way i feel for u i cant describe
Yr Beauty Kills (11:58:17 PM): if someone thought we were drunk they would think were wernet sober
annnnd shes off (11:58:19 PM): its almost too intsnse to verbalize
Yr Beauty Kills (11:58:31 PM): holy shit
annnnd shes off (11:58:33 PM): thats true
Yr Beauty Kills (11:58:36 PM): you osudned fuckign smart irght ehre
annnnd shes off (11:58:45 PM): fuck ya DUDE!
Yr Beauty Kills (11:59:08 PM): hang on gotta put this in th prof
annnnd shes off (11:59:49 PM): ahah im doin it too
Yr Beauty Kills (12:00:05 AM): ahahaha wtf is this annnd shes off (11:58:11 PM): the way i feel for u i cant describe
annnnd shes off (12:00:14 AM): fuck u
annnnd shes off (12:00:17 AM): i wrote it for u
annnnd shes off (12:00:23 AM): ahhaha mariah carey DOYYYYYYYYYYYY
Yr Beauty Kills (12:00:28 AM): hhahaha hat song
annnnd shes off (12:00:44 AM): no, no not the hat song
annnnd shes off (12:00:55 AM): thts by brittney or someone else i think
annnnd shes off (12:01:02 AM): thats "how much"
annnnd shes off (12:01:08 AM): dude, my ashole hurts
annnnd shes off (12:01:27 AM): ok it doesnt, but how funny would it be if like my actual HOLE hurt
(12:01:44 AM): hahaahahahaha why the fuck did you say that
Yr Beauty Kills (12:01:47 AM): its britney/1/1/1
annnnd shes off (12:01:50 AM): fuck you then
annnnd shes off (12:01:56 AM): no i made that up too
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:03 AM): you liarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
annnnd shes off (12:02:03 AM): compulsiveliar i am
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:05 AM): look im a pirate.
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:07 AM): i said arrr
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:13 AM): im clever
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:14 AM): andwitty
annnnd shes off (12:02:14 AM): no, youre a lesbian.
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:17 AM): ahahahah fuck you
annnnd shes off (12:02:23 AM): that means you like women.
annnnd shes off (12:02:29 AM): HEY, lets party bro
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:30 AM): omggg happy national talk like a pirate day
annnnd shes off (12:02:37 AM): of happy fuck u day
annnnd shes off (12:02:40 AM): omg*
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:47 AM): of
Yr Beauty Kills (12:02:48 AM): ahahahha
annnnd shes off (12:02:51 AM): ahahah how did i spell omg as of
annnnd shes off (12:02:52 AM): ahahah wtf
annnnd shes off (12:03:04 AM): D.A.R.E.
Yr Beauty Kills (12:03:07 AM): hahaaha cuz you a crackaliack fondong oanngann head
annnnd shes off (12:03:09 AM): to keep kids off drugs
annnnd shes off (12:04:47 AM): we can role aound the world
annnnd shes off (12:04:58 AM): well, i didnt say that. but it sounds cool
Yr Beauty Kills (12:05:07 AM): ahahah im so lost
Yr Beauty Kills (12:05:10 AM): you lost me an hour ago
Yr Beauty Kills (12:05:16 AM): beforre we even started taling
annnnd shes off (12:05:37 AM): oh no! =-O we must locate you!
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:15 AM): heloppppp
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:17 AM): i dotn where i am
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:18 AM): i see light
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:19 AM): s
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:22 AM): i see 3 lights
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:24 AM): and a ship
annnnd shes off (12:06:25 AM): no fear pirate!
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:29 AM): a fucking pirate ship
annnnd shes off (12:06:29 AM): im coming for you!
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:36 AM): nooooo
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:39 AM): omg its the ninjas
annnnd shes off (12:06:40 AM): NOOOOO
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:41 AM): they have swords
annnnd shes off (12:06:42 AM): OMG RUn
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:43 AM): but dotn worry
annnnd shes off (12:06:46 AM): SWIM!
annnnd shes off (12:06:48 AM): wait no
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:55 AM): ill use my pirate mind tricks to trick them into thinking im a gayass nonja
annnnd shes off (12:06:56 AM): waters dangerous this time of year
Yr Beauty Kills (12:06:58 AM): andhtey will love me
annnnd shes off (12:07:00 AM): ok do that
Yr Beauty Kills (12:07:07 AM): and when they hug me ill bite their heaqds off
annnnd shes off (12:07:08 AM): hold them off until we can get you out of there
Yr Beauty Kills (12:07:30 AM): hurry.. lower the sails and send out abroad the ocean liners
Yr Beauty Kills (12:07:37 AM): i hae no idea what i just fucking said
Yr Beauty Kills (12:07:38 AM): ahaha
annnnd shes off (12:07:41 AM): wtf does that mean?!
annnnd shes off (12:07:53 AM): ahahahahah good then were both8-) cool
annnnd shes off signed off at 12:08:46 AM.
annnnd shes off signed on at 12:08:51 AM.
annnnd shes off (12:09:23 AM): its ok to be scared, cuz this girl is super bad. she will probably be, the best thing you nver had
Yr Beauty Kills (12:10:00 AM): ahhaahwtfff
annnnd shes off (12:10:06 AM): hey man
annnnd shes off (12:10:09 AM): just go with it
annnnd shes off (12:10:11 AM): um
annnnd shes off (12:10:16 AM): my head fucking hurts
Yr Beauty Kills (12:10:23 AM): whyy skeez
annnnd shes off (12:11:00 AM): bc i think about you all day
annnnd shes off (12:11:15 AM): and when you fucking run through it, you like stomp your fucking feet.
Yr Beauty Kills (12:12:35 AM): combinethe throbbign in my head
Yr Beauty Kills (12:12:40 AM): with the trhythem of my fuckign deet
Yr Beauty Kills (12:12:41 AM): fert
Yr Beauty Kills (12:12:43 AM): feet
annnnd shes off (12:12:50 AM): NO!
annnnd shes off (12:13:50 AM): still everything happens for a reason
Yr Beauty Kills (12:15:00 AM): shell never understand
annnnd shes off (12:15:16 AM): ohhh smartyface, i was singing john mayor
Yr Beauty Kills (12:15:42 AM): im still gorudned
Yr Beauty Kills (12:15:46 AM): got my wings clipped
annnnd shes off (12:15:58 AM): fuck u
annnnd shes off (12:16:04 AM): dhfushfurhwufhwruf
annnnd shes off (12:16:09 AM): that means i love you
annnnd shes off (12:16:14 AM): in swahilli
Yr Beauty Kills (12:16:30 AM): you made up a language
Yr Beauty Kills (12:16:32 AM): ujktjnltl;
annnnd shes off (12:16:40 AM): no!
annnnd shes off (12:16:46 AM): swahilli is one!
annnnd shes off (12:16:54 AM): but i dont think i spelled it right
Yr Beauty Kills (12:17:30 AM): youre a goddamned liar
annnnd shes off (12:17:43 AM): youre a dyke!
annnnd shes off (12:17:51 AM): but i like it kind of a lot
Yr Beauty Kills (12:17:53 AM): haahhaaha youre afucky mcfuckson
annnnd shes off (12:18:05 AM): well YOU HAVE A PENIS!
Yr Beauty Kills (12:18:27 AM): whats your blue ad red book
Yr Beauty Kills (12:18:33 AM): diary//
annnnd shes off (12:18:35 AM): fuck u
annnnd shes off (12:18:40 AM): i dont have a blue or red book
Yr Beauty Kills (12:19:03 AM): haahha i hate you
annnnd shes off (12:19:16 AM): well i would hope so
Yr Beauty Kills (12:19:29 AM): i try.. i mean i know its whats best.. bffffffffff
annnnd shes off (12:19:40 AM): baby lets cruise
annnnd shes off (12:19:45 AM): away from here
annnnd shes off (12:19:53 AM): dontbe confused
annnnd shes off (12:19:55 AM): the wa is clear
annnnd shes off (12:19:57 AM): way*
annnnd shes off (12:20:05 AM): and if u want it u got it, forvere
annnnd shes off (12:20:09 AM): this is not a one night stand baby
annnnd shes off (12:20:22 AM): so let the music take ur mind, just release and you will find
annnnd shes off (12:20:42 AM): youre gonna fly away, somethign go my way
annnnd shes off (12:20:52 AM): i love it when were cruisin togther
annnnd shes off (12:21:35 AM): LastNiteAlone (12:22:59 AM): so i started to send a pic to Danyelle and the file is huge. tell her im sorry. since i cant type to her. lmfao
LastNiteAlone (12:23:06 AM): or katie rather. youre danyelle
annnnd shes off (12:22:02 AM): ok someone DEFINITELY tweaked tonuight
annnnd shes off (12:22:09 AM): and it wasnt one of us
Yr Beauty Kills (12:22:13 AM): wtf uis he in crsck
annnnd shes off (12:22:22 AM): i know, weirdo
Yr Beauty Kills (12:22:26 AM): its amillino files big
Yr Beauty Kills (12:22:30 AM): hahaha wtf doeshe think is
annnnd shes off (12:22:32 AM): are you guys cybering?
annnnd shes off (12:22:39 AM): bc i hope you are
Yr Beauty Kills (12:22:40 AM): as i gently slip off your pants
Yr Beauty Kills (12:22:41 AM): oh shit
Yr Beauty Kills (12:22:42 AM): wrong im
annnnd shes off (12:22:46 AM): ahhahaa
Yr Beauty Kills (12:23:03 AM): goddamnit we have too much good profile shit in this covno it needs to go in the lj
annnnd shes off (12:23:10 AM): fuck lj
annnnd shes off (12:23:18 AM): its all about the benjamins baby
annnnd shes off (12:24:08 AM): i want a d.a.r.e. t shirt
Yr Beauty Kills (12:24:33 AM): whyyy
annnnd shes off (12:24:44 AM): theyre so fucking cool
Yr Beauty Kills (12:25:27 AM): youre cool and you dont hear me going around saying i want a danyelle shirt
annnnd shes off (12:25:50 AM): we do 100 on the highways, (get rich to this), thank god for fridays, (get rich to this) hey hey hey hey
Yr Beauty Kills (12:26:00 AM): youre gay gay gay
annnnd shes off (12:26:08 AM): well i love jesus.
annnnd shes off (12:26:20 AM): and you want me me me
Yr Beauty Kills (12:26:40 AM): i want to pee pee pee
annnnd shes off (12:26:47 AM): do it
Yr Beauty Kills (12:26:54 AM): poo fit
annnnd shes off (12:27:03 AM): truth dare double dare, promise to repeat
Yr Beauty Kills (12:27:13 AM): repeat
annnnd shes off (12:27:19 AM): i am stupid
Yr Beauty Kills (12:27:30 AM): nooo omggg
Yr Beauty Kills (12:27:33 AM): i cantr sya that
Yr Beauty Kills (12:27:39 AM): everyone will hear and think im stupid
annnnd shes off (12:27:42 AM): DO IT@
Yr Beauty Kills (12:27:44 AM): you never said no chickens
Yr Beauty Kills (12:27:49 AM): mrs. teacher1111
annnnd shes off (12:27:49 AM): EVERYONE COOL DOES IT@
Yr Beauty Kills (12:27:52 AM): ok fine
annnnd shes off (12:27:56 AM): its impled you bitch
Yr Beauty Kills (12:27:57 AM): dont laugh at me though
Yr Beauty Kills (12:28:01 AM): i am stupid
annnnd shes off (12:28:02 AM): ok i wont i swear
annnnd shes off (12:28:20 AM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
annnnd shes off (12:28:20 AM): I AHAHAHAH STUPID HAHAHAHAHAAAHA
annnnd shes off (12:28:21 AM): you just fell for the ooldest trick in the book
annnnd shes off (12:28:24 AM): pshh, ammetures
Yr Beauty Kills (12:28:25 AM): :'(
Yr Beauty Kills (12:28:28 AM): fine
Yr Beauty Kills (12:28:41 AM): truth dare double dare triple dog dare or promite to repeat
annnnd shes off (12:28:57 AM): TRIPLE DARE!
Yr Beauty Kills (12:29:15 AM): oooo.. lemme think this is gonan be good
annnnd shes off (12:29:23 AM): ya right
Yr Beauty Kills (12:29:27 AM): go im a boy andtell him you like him and wanna marry him and have 98065 of his kids
annnnd shes off (12:29:28 AM): fucking liar
Yr Beauty Kills (12:29:29 AM): ha
annnnd shes off (12:29:33 AM): FINE!
annnnd shes off (12:30:13 AM): annnnd shes off (12:31:57 AM): i love you annd wann amarry you and have 98065 of your kids
look deans on (12:32:04 AM): no you don't
annnnd shes off (12:30:31 AM): look deans on (12:32:07 AM): you're just drunk, that's all
Yr Beauty Kills (12:30:33 AM): hahahahahhaahahahhahaha
annnnd shes off (12:30:34 AM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Yr Beauty Kills (12:30:37 AM): ahahahahhaahahhaahhahhahaahhahhhaaha
Yr Beauty Kills (12:30:39 AM): omgmgmgmgmgmgmg
Yr Beauty Kills (12:30:40 AM): shahahhaahhaaha
annnnd shes off (12:30:52 AM): annnnd shes off (12:32:21 AM): ahah omg im not drunk, were playing truth or dare ahhaha
look deans on (12:32:30 AM): oh
look deans on (12:32:33 AM): That was a lame dare
annnnd shes off (12:31:14 AM): well fuuuuuuuck you, it was cool
annnnd shes off (12:31:22 AM): annnnd shes off (12:32:59 AM): ya but it was a triple dare so i haaad to
look deans on (12:33:05 AM): haha
Yr Beauty Kills (12:31:54 AM): hahaahahah
Yr Beauty Kills (12:31:57 AM): hes al smae dare
Yr Beauty Kills (12:32:00 AM): tell him i saidthat too
Yr Beauty Kills (12:32:05 AM): i meant lame dare
annnnd shes off (12:32:29 AM): ahahhahaha wtf i can even read haha
annnnd shes off (12:32:31 AM): phdpehfprnwien
Yr Beauty Kills (12:33:29 AM): you can./1/1/1/1
Yr Beauty Kills (12:33:31 AM): t
Yr Beauty Kills (12:33:35 AM): hahahahaha
Yr Beauty Kills (12:33:37 AM): i said cant