Name-Alicia Savoy
Tell us about where you live- It's a country type place. Farms & such, but there are cute restaurants and stuff. It's just modern suburbia. You either live in a nice neighborhood or a shitty trailer park. I'm in the nice neighborhood :) There's a mall in Waldorf, which is 15 minutes away, so I guess LaPlata isn't all too crapy.
10 Favorite Bands- Cursive, The Blood Brothers, FFTL, The Early November, Death Cab for Cutie, Bright Eyes, Copeland, Mae, Dead Poetic, Brand New :x
5 Favorite Books- A Child Called It, This Lullaby, Keeping the Moon, Monster, The Harry Potter Series XD Dont ask, I just like Harry Potter for some reason.
Opinion on George Bush- I don't hate the man, but I do not see him as MY president. I wouldn't have voted this election. I don't agree with the way our country is run. I hate war, 'nuff said.
Opinion on Gay rights- I find intolerance for gays extremely wrong. In my opinion, gays are still people too, and just because they love someone of the same gender by no means makes them any less a person. I have gay friends, and some of them are my best friends. I guess I support gay people. But I'm heterosexual. I could go on all day about how i feel about gay people, but I don't think you'd want to hear it.
Why do you think you're a makeout bandit? I'm really not sure. I guess it's because I've made out with a lot of people througout my life? Haha. Well, it's because I have red hair & I own. If this answer isnt good enough, if asked to, I will fix it.