what are you looking at?

Feb 23, 2006 00:15


1. Spell your first name backwards: ycart
2. Story behind your myspace name: "thinkalone" was something i made up when i had to get a yahoo messenger name. i use it when "makenoise" is taken
3. What month were you born in: may
4. Where do you live: jerzey. step off.


5. Wallet: black cow flesh
7. Toothbrush: whiteblue
8. Jewelry worn daily: glasses
10. Pillow cover right now: one white, two silk :O
11. Underwear: blue stipes
12. Best friends: describe them? they're not afraid to love me.
13. Sunglasses: no
14. Favorite shirt: "quit work, make music"
15. Cologne/Perfume: sometimes i wear this mysterious cologne i've had for years
16. CD in stereo: bright eyes, joan of arc, melissa cross vocal warm-up
17. Piercings: none


18. Wearing now: black tshirt, dark blue pj pants, unmentionables
19. Wishing: i wasn't alone relationship-wise
20. Wanting: i want my guitar to be fixed and back to normal
21. Doing After this: picking the worship songs for church this weekend
24. Some of your favorite books: blue like jazz, the winter of our discontent, the four loves, travels with charley, you remind me of you
25. Something you're looking forward to in the coming week: church
26. The last thing you ate: cookie dough ice cream
27. Something you are deathly afraid of: a few years ago, when i saw i was on the path to falling in love with a girl i met, i intentionally made it stop. since then, i haven't felt love, and i'm afraid i broke the part of me that loves.


28. Do you like candles: yes. i have a honeydew melon one that is really comforting to smell, and a grapefruit one that reminds me of noa
29. Do you like incense: yes but it always smells like i started a campfire in my room after the incense goes out
30. Do you like the taste of blood: no, usually something is wrong if i can taste blood
31. Do you believe in love: uh, duh yes.
32. Do you believe in soul mates: i dunno, i've gone back and forth on this one. right now i'm at "yes". i think there's something that makes certain people "click" that can't be fully explained by personality types.
33. Do you believe in love at first sight: love? no. meaningful attraction? yes.
35. Do you believe in God: yeah, i've tried not too but i still believe
38. What is the longest you've ever stayed up?: my greyhound bus trip to see noa. from waking up to going to sleep was probably 35hours or more
39. Can you eat with chopsticks: if i can sharpen one in a pencil sharpener and use it to stab the food, then yes.
40. What's your favorite coin: i like the wheat penny and the buffalo nickel
41. What are some of your favorite candies: skittles, even though it's almost hard to breathe after eating a lot of them
42. What's something you wish people understood about you?: that i'm depressed and sad and i need help.
43. What's something you wish you could understand better: why bad things happen


45. Who are your best friends?: andy, matt, noa, steve
46. How many people have you kissed?: one
47. Are you shy around your crush?: i'm still not clear on what a crush is, but i'm not shy for very long if i really want to share myself with someone
48. Still have feelings for anyone in a past relationship?: oh yes, i love her completely and there will never be anyone like her again ever
49. Do you know what it feels like to be in love?: yes, but i'm always learning new little things
50. Would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friends?: yeah if they're gonna die or something...i'm not going to start burning everything i own just so they can buy a hamburger


51. Where is your favorite place to shop?: i'm not really into buying stuff
52. Have any tattoos?: no, maybe later
53. What is your favorite thing to wear?: i wear black hoodies all the time. i like clothes i can hide in and not be noticed
54. What is a must have accessory?: i guess my messenger bag is an accessory. i feel naked without it
55. How much is the most you've ever spent in a single clothing store?: maybe $60?
56. Who is the least fashionable person you know?: me. i wear the same thing every day and most times try to make myself look unattractive. :|
57. Do you match your belt with your hair color?: no, i've never even heard of that
58. What is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good?: i'm not into looking good
59. How many pairs of shoes do you own?: i wear the same shoes every day, but i have another pair to exercise in
60. What is the worst trend you see today?: ungrace.
61. Do you do drugs?: no
62. What kind of soap do you use?: aloe vera gel
63. What are you listening to right now?: thisamericanlife.org
65. Who was the last person that called you?: matt
66. Where do you want to get married?: we can have a showy wedding if she wants, but our real marriage will be us alone in the forest or something with God, and we will marry ourselves.
67. How many buddies are online right now?: i don't do that
69. What are essentials in your life?: love, acceptance, grace, making music, getting to know you
70. Do you send out holiday cards each year?: no
71. Hair: too fashionable for my own good. i feel like a fool.
72. Mood: reminiscent and expectative
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