my new favorite thing...

Aug 24, 2008 12:07

four slices of a brandy wine heirloom tomato
an egg
your favorite sliced bread
your favorite kind of butter product or substitute
two or three leaves of fresh basil
salt and pepper

Put some butter in your pan. Fry the egg in a pan like you are making an over-easy egg. But before you flip it, chiffonade the basil and throw it on the uncooked side of the egg along with some salt and pepper. Flip the egg and let it cook for a little longer than you would for a runny yoke... I don't know how long- just feel it out. You want the yoke bright yellow, but not real runny.  Let the egg finish cooking after you've turned off the heat on the stove. Once you turn off the heat, throw the tomatoes in the pan to warm them through. (if your tomato is at room temperature you can skip this step)

Heat another pan. Butter one side of both slices of your bread. Toast the bread buttered side down on the pan. Don't flip it or anything. Once it's done, take it off the heat and spread some mayo on both un-toasted sides.

Make your sandwich- layer it all together and cut it in half.

You have just made the most delicious breakfast sandwich in the history of the world.

Eat it. Love it. You're welcome.
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