i love your... shoes.

Oct 11, 2007 14:10

I just bought these adorable shoes on ebay. The description said: "Madeline Green Women's Shoes style patient like leather"

And I thought, "patient, like leather. How poetic." I love when spelling mistakes bring joy to my life. Like my boyfriend just got a new smart phone. and it fills in words for him, like yesterday he sent me a text that said "I love your". and at first I was like "I love your what?" then I started imagining all the things he was going to say he loves in a text message to follow. And then I realized he wasn't going to send a following text message, but it was fun anyways to imagine all the things he loves about me.

anyways, here are the shoes. Only 17 smackers.

judging by the date, she's been trying to sell them for a while!

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