Aug 11, 2004 09:51
ok im fucking sick of this bullshit! people alwasy talking to me like im a piece of trash. if you dont like me, DONT FUCKINGF READ WHAT I HAVE TO SAY AND DONT EVEN BOTHER TO COMMENT. HOLY SHIT KIARI AND, YOU ARE THE TRULY PATHETIC ONE. dont you get it? im ignoring you and everything about you. why cant you do the same? im talking mututally with ashley not like some little girl trying to make the other person cry. it doesnt work like that FUCKING GROW UP. oh and im so sure you weigh a hell of a lot less than me. so dont call me anorexic. really, you didnt even make a dent in my self confidence, in fact, you boosted it. so id really stop talking if i were you. and your love luis? he was a good guy untill he got whipped by his so-called girlfriend. and lusi told me once "liz i wont make any descisions to change my friends for anyone" well i guess he's a pussy then. god damn you are annoying me. im leaving you now. this livejournal.... ill post my new one when i feel like it. and kiari, you cant comment anymore. JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE ALREADY. and if you threaten me once more, ooooh its going down, and im not talking about us fighting...i mean the law WILL AND ALREADY HAS stepped in to this. i have printed death threats, so fucking watch what you say to me
"eat shit and die" indeed