ya know...its really shitty when you hear "you'll be off to a milatary
school in 24 hours if you dont shape up" everyday. for about 3 days
straight my mother has made me call her and she tells me "you could be
leaving in under 24 hours, all i have to do is make a phone call and
you're gone for a whole year" some shit like that. it hurts more when i
think that i wont be with him anymore. i wont see him or anything. i
think you get to mail letters to your parents, and them only...well
hell if i write to that bitch of a mother who sent me...fuck her. im
sick of her bullshit. she calls me a bitch when i talk back, then
she slaps me for saying "shut up" i dont blame her but i would have
slapped her back if she wasnt pregnant at the time. sstupid timing...i
really am sick of it. i cant say that my life sucks and its worse than
others, but to me, its really bad. i feel sick right now...and i know
ill be sent the next time i talk back or something. if she thinks im
bad now? just wait and see how fucking bad i can be...juts fucking wait
and see when i steal something or have sex or talk back or hit
back...or fucking run away. i know, i should just be good then when im
out of the house i can leave and the bitch wont have anything to
say... well, isnt it also really shitty that she is a fucking
hypocryte? "dont have sex untill you're married" "dont have babies
untill you've lived your life" ...SHE DID ALL THAT FUCKING SHIT AND
TELLS ME NOT TO?!!??! fuck that fuck her fuck the poliece, fuck
preppies, fuck hypocrytes, fuck assholes, fucl rules, fuck authority,
fuck mothers, fuck asshole brothers, fuck the world, fuck parents who
keep their kids in a cage, fuck sun burns, fuck pimples, fuck monthly
things, fuck being sweaty and hot all the time, fuck pop, fuck britney
spears, fuck nsync, fuck pop stars, fuck haters, fuck people who steal
shit from me, fuck curfiews, fuck drivers ed, fuck short weekends, fuck
the sun, fuck the posers, fuck bitches who cant learn to ignore me when
i tell them to......
wow im not better yet,...call me so i can cry with you...
i will always love you Derek Michael