He's a Keeper!
Your guy is a rare find: sweet, kind, and loyal.
And as long as he doesn't have three nippples,
You should seriously consider keeping him a long time
Sometimes a girl can't see a good thing when she's got one
So let me tell you: your guy is a gold medal boyfriend
Just make sure you treat him right in return!
Is He a Keeper? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. im extremley happy.i had a lot of fun with this new friend of mine. since my step mom went to the store, he had to stay on the porch......................................yeah right. haha so he came in and i showed him my house. we had our first lil cuddle time. it was so sweet. but nothing....ahh nevermind...hehe. then we watched Zoolander when my step mom and lil sis got home. woo, dont leave us alone for like 2 millo seconds. he's so very sweet.
nah the skirt wasnt a good idea, so i decided against it...
<3 Lizzie-Poo!