29th Blood | In Memoriam

Nov 24, 2011 20:28

[Action | 507 Ricardo]
[Arcueid had gone over to but the newlyweds, but had found an unexpected surprise when she had gone to their house. Instead of that idiot Shiki and his cute new little wife...she found only drones. She had known Shiki had been here for a rather long time, and she was happy to see that he had gone back home, but...he'd left ( Read more... )

broken hearts, stupid shiki is stupid, vampires don't cry blood by the way, arcueid is not doing well, dumb stupid idiot, the sadness

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507 Ricardo adropofjupiter November 25 2011, 05:55:43 UTC
[Arcueid isn't the only one watching the drones, though Marisa seems to be watching through a window with a sad look on her face.]


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 06:00:14 UTC
[Arcueid notices the girl looking through the window.]

You might as well come in...this house is full of drones now.


adropofjupiter November 25 2011, 06:03:17 UTC
I know. But I...

[She sighs and heads inside, leaning her broom against the wall. Immediately, she goes to the fridge to pull out all the beer Shiki had been keeping stocked inside, only to sit down by Arcueid to start drinking.]

...you were at the wedding.


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 06:20:43 UTC
Yea, I was.

[Arcueid's not even going to put on any farce here, she's just going to speak openly.]

In our own world I was in love with him...I still am. But, he'd been here for so long...and he found someone he loved enough to marry.

I liked her, you know. She was pretty cool. Now...Now...


adropofjupiter November 25 2011, 06:30:42 UTC
...he's gone and it hurts.


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 06:32:50 UTC

Was there someone in this house you were attached to? You looked pretty sad.


adropofjupiter November 25 2011, 06:36:42 UTC
Alice is one of my closest friends, ze. And I'd gotten to know Shiki pretty well, too.

[She pauses to down the rest of the can and open another one. Then she offers it to Arcueid.]

Here. You need this as much as I do. And I'm Marisa.


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 06:42:27 UTC
[Arcueid waves it away.]

It'll do more good for you than it will for me. I'm Arcueid, by the way.

Alice was really nice...even though she tried to not seem that way. I think she and Shiki made a good match.

But...even though I'm sad...I'm glad they got to go back home...even if I'm sad that they'll never see eachother again.


adropofjupiter November 25 2011, 06:47:14 UTC
Just the one, ze. It's less the booze and more the having a drink with someone when you're feeling down thing.

[Hearing Arc say that about Alice does bring a vague smile to Marisa's face for a moment. Yeah... this place had been good for Alice. And so had Shiki.]

They did. And at least they left together, ze. I can't imagine much worse than one of them being stuck here while the other was gone. It causes a lot of horribly heartache.


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 07:03:48 UTC
[After considering what Marisa said for a moment, Arcueid takes the can from her and takes a drink.]

Yea, that would have been really sad. Still...I'm being really selfish about it, but I can't help it.

He left me here...she left you here. I guess maybe we can indulge in being selfish for a little while...right?

As long as we don't tell anyone.


adropofjupiter November 25 2011, 07:06:36 UTC
[Once the can was taken, Marisa grabbed herself another.]

Nothing wrong with being selfish from time to time. Especially when it comes to love. Just as long as we recognize that this wasn't their choice, ze.

...and some day they might come back. I did.


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 07:12:48 UTC
Yea, I came back too.

But...I kinda got used to the Shiki that was here just a day ago. I'm not sure what I'd think about it if he came back all fresh from our own world.

I don't know...it's...weird for me to think about now. I've been here for a while...and left...then came back. I don't know. I just miss him already.

I kind of want to kill the drone.


adropofjupiter November 25 2011, 19:05:25 UTC
I guess a couple years does change someone. I don't remember being here before... Was surprised by some things that had happened with me before... [Like Patchouli.] But the core of a person doesn't really change, ze.

Don't kill the drone.


makemebreakfast November 26 2011, 23:44:43 UTC
I won't, I just kind of want to. It's not going to do any good anyway...not even make me feel better.

I can remember being here before sometimes...but it's really fuzzy.


adropofjupiter November 27 2011, 20:22:46 UTC
Good, cause I'd probably do something stupid and try to stop you on instinct since the drones look like them.

[Marisa doesn't need verbal confirmation to be able to tell when she's outclassed.]

At least you remember some. It's creepy knowing I was here and not knowing. So... what are you gonna do with him gone now?


makemebreakfast November 27 2011, 21:01:59 UTC
I dunno. I'm really not used to these kinds of feelings...so I don't know.

I don't now what a human typically does in these situations.


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