29th Blood | In Memoriam

Nov 24, 2011 20:28

[Action | 507 Ricardo]
[Arcueid had gone over to but the newlyweds, but had found an unexpected surprise when she had gone to their house. Instead of that idiot Shiki and his cute new little wife...she found only drones. She had known Shiki had been here for a rather long time, and she was happy to see that he had gone back home, but...he'd left ( Read more... )

broken hearts, stupid shiki is stupid, vampires don't cry blood by the way, arcueid is not doing well, dumb stupid idiot, the sadness

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Action and you can't stop me ofroyalred November 25 2011, 02:52:32 UTC

[Why does this person look remarkably familiar?

Oh right, that superhero... magical girl... thing. Except there's no sparkles and no enthusiasm here. It's actually almost more interesting to her, though she's entirely unsure if approaching is anywhere near a good idea.

But something niggles at the back of her mind and she steps forward anyway. Probably that thing that makes Sei call her a 'nosy, troublesome girl'. She's holding a grocery bag, since the Yama she lives with has been busy making lesson plans recently and so she volunteered to go out. And out she pulls...

Something sweet.]

Truffle for your thoughts?


I WILL STOP YOU makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:00:07 UTC
[Arcueid glances at it, but her focus moves back to the glasses in her hand.]

They aren't worth anything. Just the thoughts of a dumb airheaded girl.


come at me bro ofroyalred November 25 2011, 03:12:03 UTC
So? If they seem worthless, perhaps it is better to release them to the air. Who knows, maybe someone will find merit to them, even if you can't seem to. [She's still going to keep offering it, vampire.]


You can't handle this makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:15:56 UTC
[Arcueid remains silent for a long moment, staring at the glasses in her hand.]

It doesn't matter. People disappear here all the time. Whining about it isn't going to do any good.


are you sure it's not you who can't handle this? ofroyalred November 25 2011, 03:18:14 UTC
Perhaps it'll make you feel better.

[Whump. She just sat down. Now you're stuck with her for a minute, Arcy-warcy]


I can handle anything. I am ALL THAT IS MAN. makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:21:42 UTC
It's not going to change anything, so I don't care.


Eww, no wonder it smells like a messy bachelor pad in here ofroyalred November 25 2011, 03:26:11 UTC
[Sigh. No, Youko, you can't give up, you've dealt with worse. Sachiko is worse.]

It won't bring anyone back, true, but I do think it will change your mood, even a little.


Excuse me I smell pretty delicious. makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:28:24 UTC

[Real succinct and elegant, Arcueid.]


Your nose can't smell you yourself ofroyalred November 25 2011, 03:34:31 UTC
Alright then.

[Watch out, she's just as stubborn as you, lady.]

But at least do yourself a favor and don't let any of your thoughts drift toward it being your fault in any way.


Trust me, when there's something to smell I can smell myself ;3; I DON'T JUST SIT AND GET FUNKY makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:45:30 UTC
[Arcueid sounds a little angry when she speaks.]

My fault? How could any of this be my fault! It's not! It's just...stupid!!


You would be... surprised ofroyalred November 25 2011, 03:53:28 UTC
[Progress! Kinda!]

I won't deny that. What good is it to bring us all here in the first place when some randomly disappear? I wonder that a lot.


No, I wouldn't be. I know what some dudes do...and it's horrible. ;3; makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:59:53 UTC
I don't. I don't care. It's just people having fun at our expense.

Who cares. It's not like I can do anything about it anymore.


Yes, yes it is ofroyalred November 25 2011, 04:06:27 UTC
Hm, seems a bit desperate to be simply a game, however. Well, not that I think it would be much use to try to get in their heads, in any case.

[She tilts her head]

Is there a 'home' and a life to return to for... you and they?


Which is why I try to be better. Woah...deja vu. makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 04:09:44 UTC
It doesn't matter. It'll all turn out the same.

I'll have to go back to sleep sooner or later. I don't know why I let myself do this.


Deja vu: the feeling this has happened before. Deja vu: The feeling this has happened before. ofroyalred November 25 2011, 04:16:17 UTC
[Words she didn't understand the context of: a lot of those. Still...]

There has to be some merit to it. Nothing is entirely pointless, or it would never be done.


GET OUT MAH HEAD, CHARLES makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 04:19:20 UTC
Doing what I did was pointless. I'm just as stupid as the nun says I am.


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