29th Blood | In Memoriam

Nov 24, 2011 20:28

[Action | 507 Ricardo]
[Arcueid had gone over to but the newlyweds, but had found an unexpected surprise when she had gone to their house. Instead of that idiot Shiki and his cute new little wife...she found only drones. She had known Shiki had been here for a rather long time, and she was happy to see that he had gone back home, but...he'd left ( Read more... )

broken hearts, stupid shiki is stupid, vampires don't cry blood by the way, arcueid is not doing well, dumb stupid idiot, the sadness

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Park expiatrice November 25 2011, 02:31:49 UTC
[And before you even notice anything, because it's totally IC to sneak up on people--] How long are you going to sit there and stare at the ground, Arcueid? [She sounds pretty damn neutral.]


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 02:39:49 UTC
Oh shut up. You're probably sad too.

[She doesn't look up from those glasses, though.]


expiatrice November 25 2011, 02:56:03 UTC
[She'll just walk up to sit down next to her, then there's the "clack" of something being set down.

If Arc turns her head a bit to peer, she'll notice that it's a soda can placed next to her. Ciel has one too in her hands, and in fact, she's going to take a sip of it right now.]

You went through that too, you know. You'd usually laze around in your house, but one morning, you started to become a hardworking housewife who actually knew how to cook edible food.


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 02:58:47 UTC
[Arcueid stares at the soda can for a long moment before she picks it up and cracks it open. The glasses, however, never leave her grip in the other hand.]

I can cook edible food sometimes. Maybe I just need someone to teach me.

[Her voice is flat, but she's still taking a sip of that soda.]


expiatrice November 25 2011, 03:04:12 UTC
That would need for you to have a long enough attention span to not get bored, and not eat the base ingredients before they can be used. Knowing you, you'd also get creative without supervision, so it'll end up with having all sorts of things that it's never supposed to.

[She seems to be 'playing along', so to speak.]


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:07:41 UTC
Do you have to be a smart-mouth all the time?

[Seems Arc isn't really interesting in playing along with the usual bitchy conversations they have.]


expiatrice November 25 2011, 03:12:40 UTC
Are you genuinely interested in learning?


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:14:36 UTC
I guess...but only from you.


expiatrice November 25 2011, 03:17:55 UTC
How picky. [She doesn't seem mad or outraged by the notion at all, though. If anything, her lack of further commenting is the exact same as wordless acceptance.] Tohno-kun made you ramen before, right? Would you want to know how to do that on your own?


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:20:53 UTC
Sure. I'd like that.

[The response is still flat and emotionless. She realizes she shouldn't really be feeling this way, that she'd spent plenty of time never being attached to a human. Still, it hurt, and of course she has no real experience at dealing with her emotions.]


expiatrice November 25 2011, 03:34:58 UTC
Eastern and western noodles have different names, but in the end, it's still noodles. It won't be a perfect copy, but basic ingredients shouldn't be hard to find, and there's always similar things that could work as substitutes. [She'll take another sip from her can.] When would you like to do that?


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:44:00 UTC
Whenever you have the time. I don't really care.

[Arcueid takes another sip of her own can as well, her voice still flat and devoid of emotion.]


expiatrice November 25 2011, 03:49:59 UTC
I can make time whenever, so the question is when you feel like it.

What are you going to do tonight?


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 03:58:36 UTC
I don't know.

[It's not being avoidant, she really doesn't know. She'll just stare at those glasses again.]


expiatrice November 25 2011, 04:25:43 UTC
You may not have an appetite now, but are you really going to be capable of skipping dinner? [It's not like she's trying to look and sound unconvinced or anything!!]


makemebreakfast November 25 2011, 04:29:59 UTC
It doesn't matter, you should know better than anyone that I just eat for fun.

I don't need human food.

[She says this rather matter-of-factly as she sips from her can again.]


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