24th Blood | Marble Phantasm your heart!

Aug 28, 2011 16:32

[Tonight, all around town, Mayfielders may be treated to an extremely odd sight. Those in town who actually know anything about Magical Girl shows will likely be able to understand what is going on, and will likely think it's totally and completely stupid. To those who don't, however, tonight will be the most confusing night of their lives if ( Read more... )

lets play pretend!, crime fighting, mahou shojou, this is stupid, guys she loves this so much, ciel could never be this cool, that skirt is really short, phantasmoon, beautiful heroine, shiki stop staring, arcueid shenanigans

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Option 2 doudemoe August 28 2011, 23:12:25 UTC
[Nothing creepy here. Just your average run-of-the-mill teenager with headphones, completely tuned out from the world.]


makemebreakfast August 28 2011, 23:21:03 UTC
[Arcueid just happens to land in front of the boy from her rooftop patrols. She almost doesn't seem to notice him as she prepares to jump to a new rooftop, but stops short.

She turns to him, giving a dramatic pose with her staff, surrounded by crescent-moon shaped sparkles.]

You there! You should be careful out here at night! There could be dangerous things about!


doudemoe August 28 2011, 23:28:47 UTC

[Have a blank look.]


makemebreakfast August 28 2011, 23:32:26 UTC
Hey, didn't you hear me?

I know my power is stunning, but you should really listen!


doudemoe August 28 2011, 23:38:31 UTC
[He's tempted to just walk off and ignore her...but that'd be rude. So he takes off his headphones.]

I'm listening.


makemebreakfast August 28 2011, 23:42:25 UTC
I said there could be dangerous people about, so you should be careful at night!

Jeeze are you always this inattentive when a beautiful magical girl gives you advice? Don't you know who I am?


doudemoe August 28 2011, 23:53:20 UTC
Can't say I have.

And it's not even night.


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 00:39:04 UTC
I'm the new magical girl hero of this town! I am...

[She puts together a dramatic pose, sparkles and lights surrounding her as she does so.]



doudemoe August 29 2011, 01:47:04 UTC
Hmm. Nice to meet you, Phantasmoon-san.

[Said in the most nonchalant manner possible.]


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 02:24:40 UTC
That's it?

C'mon I'm a hero! You don't have to be so casual about it!

You can freak out a little, or ask for my autograph, it's okay.


doudemoe August 29 2011, 02:34:47 UTC
[C'mon, you own a catgirl who's even more silent than him. Learn to read between the linefaces. :|]

[Also, have a shrug.] Whatever.


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 03:24:33 UTC
[If Arcueid had ever learned to read between the linefaces Len would have less reasons to get annoyed with her. Either way this wasn't Arcueid anymore, this is PHANTASMOON! That being so...it comes with it's own level of stupidity.]

I see, unresponsive to a hero, walking around at night.

I get it! You're an evildoer up to no good! [She hops backwards, taking a dainty little fighting stance.]

Then I will have to stop you, villain! In the name of the Crimson Moon, I will punish you!!


doudemoe August 29 2011, 04:19:24 UTC
[A real-life cosplay nut, huh. He's seen many cosplayers at the cafe sure, but never one so...in-character. Should he play along?]

A villain, huh. Do I look that dark?


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 04:21:49 UTC
Uh...w-well, no...but you sure are acting suspicious!

[Jeeze, this kid is really throwing her off.]

Um...well I guess just identify yourself? And tell me what you're doing out here!


doudemoe August 29 2011, 04:30:34 UTC
...Kitaro. Just out to visit my graveyard friends.

[Of course, that's not his real name, nor is he visiting friends (nor do they live in graveyards either). He wonders if she'll get the reference.]


makemebreakfast August 29 2011, 05:20:32 UTC
Graveyard friends...what?

Oh, can you see and talk to ghosts?

[OF COURSE SHE DOESN'T GET IT. She's frequently called an "airhead vampire," and there is a good reason for it.]


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