23rd Blood | The Milkening

Aug 18, 2011 23:28

[After the events of Westport, Arcueid knows full well to never touch a glass of milk. The first time she had ever decided to drink the Milkman's milk had resulted in her ingesting an infinite amount of spiders...which promptly killed her ( Read more... )

milkfield, kill!drone, you are going to die, don't drink the milk, bitch be crazy, !event, refuse milk receive bacon, red arcueid, insane vampire on the loose, such a happy family

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Action [death expected] fatefullfriend August 20 2011, 01:52:23 UTC
[Arf's ear swiveled in the direction of the footsteps from where she was standing over the bloody mess of the mangled person. Blood caked the front of her from her muzzle, down her neck and chest to her front leg. The normally loyal, protective and intelligent wolf familiar had been reduced to a canine killing machine by the Milkman.

She looked at the approaching human and drew her lips back, bearing her large fangs for a Mid-Childan wolf was far, far larger than any earth variety. That was the only warning the human got before Arf started toward Arcueid with a menacing growl.

How she loved the chase before the kill...]


makemebreakfast August 20 2011, 03:30:37 UTC
[Despite the fact that a huge, ravenous wolf was bearing down on her...Arcueid made no attempts to run. She only smiled at the animal.]

Oh how adorable! Did you get out of your yard, little puppy? Why don't you come here and I'll help you find your way back home.


fatefullfriend August 20 2011, 03:37:56 UTC
[Oh, the wolf was definitely coming closer, hackles raised. Her growl got louder and she started to circle around Arcueid.]


makemebreakfast August 20 2011, 04:58:04 UTC
Oh sweetie wherever are you going? Come here and let me get a leash on you so I can get you back home!

[Instead of approaching the animal slowly, however, Arcueid has suddenly used her massive superhuman strength to launch herself toward the animal at blinding speed. She has her arms outstretched, as if she intends to tackle the beast...the same creepy smile set upon her face the entire time.]


fatefullfriend August 20 2011, 11:59:11 UTC
[Arf was fast, but she wasn't that fast. There was an impact that dazed her a little, but she followed instinct and bit to sink those huge fangs into Arcueid anywhere she could to rip and tear.]


makemebreakfast August 21 2011, 02:33:22 UTC
[The poor wolf may find that piercing the skin of a vampire is MUCH harder than one would imagine. The smile still upon her face, Arcueid grabs the muzzle of the wolf in a vice-like grip. Her raw strength seems unknown to the drone version of the woman, and her grip is likely crushing the poor wolf's muzzle.]

Oh what a frisky little pup! Let's get you home, okay? Just let me check your collar.


fatefullfriend August 21 2011, 02:39:34 UTC
[That didn't stop her from straining every muscle in her jaws to try. What did stop her was the hands on her snout, preventing her from biting down.

She snarled in response to the words, raring up to rake her front claws at the arms holding her, twisting her head to try and get free.]


makemebreakfast August 21 2011, 16:30:17 UTC
[The scratching of her claws will prove rather ineffective as Arcueid reaches her other hand around to grab the lower portion of the wolf's jaw.]

It's okay, little puppy! I know you're scared being out here all alone in the big, big world. I promise I won't hurt you.

[Immediately going back on her promise, however, Arcueid pulls with both hands until the wolf's jaw shatters open.]


fatefullfriend August 21 2011, 23:36:48 UTC
[That would be a very loud yelp from the wolf as pain exploded in her head as her jaw was practically ripped off. Blood went everywhere and the sheer magnitude of the pain made Arf pass out.

Body limp and her lower jaw hanging by her skin, she'd bleed out in mere moments.]


makemebreakfast August 22 2011, 02:03:03 UTC
[Arcueid simply continues on, fretting about the things she needs at the store LIKE A GOOD WIFE SHOULD.]


fatefullfriend August 22 2011, 02:07:47 UTC
[This wolf be dead. D-E-D dead.

...but she'll remember who did it. *insert dramatic sound here*]


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