23rd Blood | The Milkening

Aug 18, 2011 23:28

[After the events of Westport, Arcueid knows full well to never touch a glass of milk. The first time she had ever decided to drink the Milkman's milk had resulted in her ingesting an infinite amount of spiders...which promptly killed her ( Read more... )

milkfield, kill!drone, you are going to die, don't drink the milk, bitch be crazy, !event, refuse milk receive bacon, red arcueid, insane vampire on the loose, such a happy family

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[Action | About the town] (Let's do this) lunawolves10th August 19 2011, 05:20:58 UTC
Arcueid... are you well?


makemebreakfast August 19 2011, 05:35:25 UTC
[Arcueid gives Garviel a big smile and a slight nod.]

Of course I'm well, how could I not be? How are you doing today, Mr. Loken?

[Arcueid is slowly approaching, as if prepared to give a handshake but her hand is not extended.]


lunawolves10th August 19 2011, 05:37:07 UTC
[ Good thing he's been fighting killdrones all week. Homeboy is not fooled. Out comes the chainsword. ] Arcueid. You should go home. Now.


makemebreakfast August 19 2011, 06:41:15 UTC
Oh, I know, but I simply can't go home until I get the spices I need to finish dinner! I just couldn't not say hello while out and about though, could I?

[The chainsword seems to make no difference to Arcueid as she continues to approach slowly, casually, as if she's simply going to walk on by.]


lunawolves10th August 20 2011, 04:47:39 UTC
[ Garviel will let her, though he's quite vigilant. She's still... talking like a killdrone. ]


makemebreakfast August 20 2011, 04:56:12 UTC
[As soon as Arcueid gets within five feet of Garviel, that's when she will strike. The empty smile never leaves her face as she suddenly rockets toward Garviel with all of the might her superhuman strength can propel her with.

Which, actually, is a lot. Enough to have the woman suddenly flying at 80mph toward Garviel with her claws bared, ready to claw the thick armor of the gigantic man.]


lunawolves10th August 20 2011, 05:01:13 UTC
[ He might have hesitated with a human. But he knows she's as much of a monster as he is, so her hurtling flight is intercepted halfway by the bisecting swing of a chainsword, the Adamantine teeth screaming as they howl around the sword on maximum power. ]


makemebreakfast August 20 2011, 05:21:44 UTC
[Arcueid may be droned, but she has not lost any of her swiftness. As the chainsword swings toward her, she will hop over it, slapping it toward the ground.

Afterward, she will make an attempt to grab for Garviel's arm. If successful, she will plant her feet to the ground and use the leverage to toss Garviel toward the nearest parked car.

If she fails, she will immediately bound out of sword-reach of Garviel the second her feet hit pavement and immediately come around for another high-speed run.]


lunawolves10th August 20 2011, 05:33:49 UTC
[ The scary part? The combat-glanded transhuman is matching speed for speed, here. As the blade swings wide, he steps back and away, swinging away from her like a gate, and giving her room for her bound out. His right hand dips to his thigh, grabbing and drawing the bolter maglocked there with one smooth motion, and fires a .75 caliber explosive bolt-round at center of mass as she rushes in. The roar of the rocket-powered bolt's engine kicking in as it is fired is quite thunderous. ] Die, Abomination. [ His words are laced with contempt. ]


makemebreakfast August 20 2011, 06:02:28 UTC
[Nope, this abomination doesn't really like dying too terribly much. It hurts and takes a while to come back from. The kill!droned woman just barely manages to duck the round, launching into the air immediately after it passes over her. It's rather likely that explosive round found it's way into the side of a house...and that's just fantastic.

Instead of merely jumping into the air, however, Arcueid's foot is flying at top speed toward Garviel's chin, intending to launch him into the air for the beginning of an air combo of claw gashes.]


lunawolves10th August 20 2011, 06:09:54 UTC
[ Garviel's helm is savaged by the kick, denting inwards and static-fuzzing briefly, and his head snaps back, heavy enough that he's not throw into the air, but rather spun around, falling to one kneel and his side as he rolls with the force of the blow. What this also does, as he spins, is bring his blade around in a backhanded upward slash towards Arc, trying to rip into her with the hungry chainsword once more. He snarls, as he tastes blood in his mouth from the force of the kick. }


makemebreakfast August 21 2011, 02:28:02 UTC
[At this point, any vampire would get rather annoyed with the stubbornness of this human. Due to her droning, however, Arcueid merely keeps the same vapid smile she's had the entire time...almost as if she is completely unaware of what she is doing.

Instead of dodging the chainsword this time, however, she slaps both hands on the flat metal casing of the blade, her monstrous strength holding it in place.]

Why, Mr. Loken you don't seem well. You should probably head home and have Mrs. Loken make you something to eat.

[With that, Arcueid will use that strength to fling Garviel's sword behind her. If he doesn't let go...well...he's going with it.]


lunawolves10th August 21 2011, 05:23:48 UTC
[ As she flings his sword away, the boltgun sweeps up at pointblank range, pumping 3 shots out, once again center of mass. ]

My wife is.... [ No time to continue. ]


makemebreakfast August 21 2011, 05:40:41 UTC
[After realizing Garviel had let go of the blade, Arcueid was already moving. She only narrowly escaped the point-blank bolter fire, gracefully sliding to the side and spinning herself around.

Using the momentum of her spin, she extended a foot with the intent of nailing Garviel in his back and send him flying toward the nearest structure, ready to react depending on the outcome of the attempted attack.]


lunawolves10th August 21 2011, 19:18:44 UTC
[ Garviel crashes through the front facade of a house, landing face first on someone's sofa with a cloud of plaster dust rising up behind him. He steps out a moment later, bolter maglocked to his thigh again, and a round shield held in one hand, a long Spatha held in the other. This guy has more weapons than most anyone, but hey, when you're huge and have a lot of carrying capacity, this only makes sense. He charges towards her, moving flat out at almost the speed of a main battle tank at full acceleration, bearing down on her with the shield leading for a bone-shattering slam. ]


makemebreakfast August 21 2011, 20:48:34 UTC
[Arcueid simply stood smiling as Garviel bore down upon her, until a mere moment before his shield made impact. Instead of dodging, Arcueid set her feet and met the blow of the shield with a shoulder. Physics being as they are, however, Arcueid is pushed down the pavement quite a distance, her feet leaving shallow grooves in the pavement.

With her free hand, she is currently going at Garviel's chest-plate with her claws, trying to dig through it. Trying to reach the supple meats inside so that she can tear out his heart. She, however, has never stopped smiling up at him.]


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