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action, inside her house hangedhourai June 8 2011, 19:45:32 UTC

Ah, hello Arcueid. I see you have returned. I am sure Shiki is happy to see you, yes?


makemebreakfast June 9 2011, 00:40:23 UTC
[Arcuied spins her head around so hard it almost looks like she might have snapped her neck. Her expression moves from surprised to almost deadpan in the blink of an eye, then quickly to a polite smile. She continues to give that polite smile as she...almost seems to be sizing Alice up.]

Oh, hi, you must be Alice right? [Arcueid then twists around in her chair so she can hold out a hand for a handshake.]

Um...but also I don't think I've ever met you before?


hangedhourai June 9 2011, 02:19:30 UTC
*Alice shakes her hand, yeah, SHE LIKES HER they got along really well before and stuff...*

Ah, so you have forgotten everything? Well, I am sure Shiki explained it to you. But to answer your question yes, I would be Alice.


makemebreakfast June 9 2011, 04:15:08 UTC
[She's acting friendly enough...it seems somehow she made a good impression during the time she was here that she couldn't remember?]

Well, he explained things in his own Shiki way. The explanation being "it was really boring and nothing happened."


hangedhourai June 9 2011, 19:59:26 UTC
Do you have any questions?


makemebreakfast June 10 2011, 03:29:58 UTC
Oh, just to see if there might be anything he's not telling me. He likes doing that a lot.


hangedhourai June 10 2011, 22:29:21 UTC
I believe you certainly missed out on the killings that recently took place...


makemebreakfast June 11 2011, 06:02:32 UTC
Now see he didn't tell me about that. Was it the crazy stuff they do to us? Did Shiki do anything stupid?


hangedhourai June 12 2011, 11:12:49 UTC
... Not in particular. If anything he might have saved me from doing something stupid.


makemebreakfast June 12 2011, 17:26:17 UTC
I guess he manages to do that, sometimes.

[Arcueid drapes herself over the chair she's currently in, making herself COMPLETELY at home, it seems.]

So what was stupid that you were going to do?


hangedhourai June 13 2011, 11:34:57 UTC
Kill someone to protect Shiki, of course.


makemebreakfast June 13 2011, 18:57:52 UTC
...well that sounds pretty reasonable to me, but I guess he does have problems with that kind of thing.

[Arcueid's flipped herself around now in her session of fidgeting in the chair, and now she's ended up sitting upside-down in it.]

Was it someone that was gonna kill him or something?


hangedhourai June 14 2011, 18:12:26 UTC
*Alice ignores her silliness for the time being.*

No, it was just someone I was assigned to kill. But I thought doing so would keep him save... hm, but in the end it doubt it would have done so... it's for the best that Shiki stopped me, I think.


makemebreakfast June 15 2011, 05:07:21 UTC
For how stupid he can be sometimes he does things right.

...especially if he cares about someone involved. [There's a long pause before Arc speaks again.]

He really seems to like you.


hangedhourai June 15 2011, 05:12:22 UTC
Yes, it does seem to be that way...

*Alice pauses, her stoic mask dropping just slightly to reveal the expression in dat icon.*

He likes you quite a bit as well, right? ... But, it's as you say, he really is a stupid boy. I would appreciate your help when it comes to looking after him.


makemebreakfast June 15 2011, 05:23:15 UTC
You bet! Like I'm not going to keep an eye on that idiot.

Even though I don't remember you from before I don't really see any reason to dislike you...you seem pretty smart...and taking care of boys is a lot of work. [Arcueid gives her what looks to be both a friendly and mischievous smile.]


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