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expiatrice June 8 2011, 05:27:13 UTC

[why is she being called out :| you have the most reluctant awkward weird exasperate
silence ever on the other side of the line.



okay she normally would have chided at you or told you you were dumb (what else is new right) but . . .

yeaaaaaah not happening rn. So just... silence. But there's clearly someone on the other side. Just... not saying anything. y e p.]


makemebreakfast June 8 2011, 05:29:59 UTC
Why does everyone try to make fun of me on this thing?

Hey, say something.


expiatrice June 8 2011, 05:44:12 UTC
You've returned, True Ancestor. [...] From last October, correct? [i put on my business face...]


makemebreakfast June 8 2011, 05:45:46 UTC
[Well, that sounds weird. It's most certainly Ciel...but...is she making fun of her?]

Um, yea. Are you trying to make fun of me? Sound normal.


expiatrice June 8 2011, 05:57:22 UTC
No, I'm simply confirming. You've returned once in February, but without any previous recollections of this town. [You know what her chiding tone sounds like.

But even then there's a sense of... distance? Eeh, DON'T THINK TOO HARD ON IT...]


makemebreakfast June 8 2011, 05:59:14 UTC
What month is it now?

Also seriously, stop that, you're acting weird. At least talk down to me or something. I don't like this weird game you're playing.

[Arc's voice suddenly sounds distant as well, but it's faked of course.]

Or I guess I could play if you want to.


expiatrice June 8 2011, 06:08:53 UTC
June 8th.

["Talk down"?


They did do weird things from her own arrival back in September, up until Arc got droned in end October. She didn't think too hard on it... maybe it was the town.

That or...

...No. No way.]

You're acting as you always had. Saying any more than necessary would be a waste of breath and time. [Can't dance to the old tune when you don't remember the old routine... Ah well.] Merem is still here; he should be eager to inform you, if you're actually interested in what's transpired during your leave. [She's keeping her distance. (nottalking)]


makemebreakfast June 8 2011, 06:12:25 UTC
I'll get ahold of him when I can.

C'mon, why don't you tell me?


expiatrice June 8 2011, 06:23:07 UTC
He's outside right now, probably talking to animals or up to no good. [This is the tone of a disapproving mother... Still sounds more lively than when she's talking to Arc.


Though this vaguely throws her off.]

...There is nothing to tell. Stop getting strange ideas, [...okay fine let's drop the TA part...] Arcueid.


makemebreakfast June 8 2011, 06:26:29 UTC
I'm not letting this go, tell me why you're acting weird.

I know you don't like me but usually you're a lot more fun than this.

[Seriously, where's the fun? Where's the undertones? Where's the static of begrudging acceptance/competition? This is just...sad...kind of boring...and a little unsettling.]


1/2 expiatrice June 8 2011, 06:42:22 UTC
[...What. She's gone on fine for over half a year. Shiki doubted once but for all that he ~insisted~, he never investigated further. She was fine with it, but now, Arcueid's catching on too? Pretty sure that her recollection that the True Ancestor was dumb is a true memory, from here and back home. Where is all this even coming from? ...And while she didn't want to try guessing, what did they even do back in Misaki?]


2/2 expiatrice June 8 2011, 06:42:24 UTC
[--THAT IS. Not skipping a beat, but she'll put more emotion in it this time, sounding truly sulky.]

There's nothing weird! You're the one imagining things, so stop insisting on ridiculous stuff that aren't even there. I'm not here to entertain anybody, so find some other way to spend your time! [Yeah this sounds like her.

Except all she's doing is being defensive. There's... nothing wrong about this!]


makemebreakfast June 8 2011, 06:45:35 UTC
Well that sounded closer, but it's still just a little off somehow.

Seriously if you're trying to pretend to be Ciel you can go ahead and knock it off, I already know it's not her.


expiatrice June 8 2011, 07:01:56 UTC
[Okay that's getting a scoff of disbelief.]

To even suggest that someone might get anything out from impersonating me is senseless. They would have me to deal with before anything else, and Merem wouldn't let it sit either. Nevertheless, I don't have to convince you of anything; you're free to delude yourself however as you like. I've verified what I wanted to, and if you do remember, then we also have nothing more to talk about.


makemebreakfast June 8 2011, 07:11:49 UTC

Well, I'm going to let you sort out whatever problems you're having and I'll go talk to Merem, okay?

Though you better not have used my time away to get closer to Shiki or something. [That's GOT to get a rise out of her somehow, right?]


expiatrice June 8 2011, 07:13:46 UTC
That would be quick then, because there is no problem.

...Ah. Tohno Shiki is a youkai now. That may be relevant to you. [...



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