15th Blood

Jun 06, 2010 10:18


I found out something fun! I have something to do today! This will be the "Make Mayfield beautiful Project!"

[It's a day for fun times! Unfortunately, it's probably only going to be fun for Arcueid. She's discovered something recently. Who knows where/how she figured it out...but she now has a new weapon.]

[Arcueid has discovered that you can draw on windows with a bar of soap...and boy, is it fun. So, today Arcueid will be visiting YOUR home! She's just having a grand ole time and likely won't be paying attention to not being caught.]

[She'll draw pictures on all the windows of many, many houses...and any car windows that happen to be parked outside. Of course, she'll be starting with her OWN house. It will mostly be just harmless picture drawing...pictures that look like a little kid drew them. You can either catch her in the act, find her admiring her work from the sidewalk, or simply find her wandering the street armed with two white bars of soap in her hands, or just comment on her vague voice post either before or after discovering her..."artwork."]

the make mayfield beautiful project, arcueid, all the world's a canvas, it's time for art, oh the wonders of soap

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