Panic! At The Disco/Cobra Starship, Prompt: Blue/#1, makemebreak, PG

Sep 12, 2007 09:27

Title: You Have Been Followed Back To The Same Place
Author: makemebreak
Genre: Pre-Slash
Claim: Brendon Urie/Gabe Saporta
Prompt: Blue
Rating: PG
Word Count: 986
Summary: It had been a recurring theme for Gabe, dreams where coloring was slightly off from real life. The problem was this particular dream only occurred if Gabe went to bed sober.
Warnings: If you're offended by the idea that Gabe might take illegal substances or the idea that he drinks, you might want to skip this.
Notes: Beta'd by _avenues How much does she rule? Way more than you guys know. A million thanks to her.
Disclaimer: This is very much made-up. I've never had this particular recurring dream. Title taken from The Academy Is… song "Everything We Had".

The sky wasn't the right color.

Of everything from the dream Gabe could have remembered, the detail he picked out just happened to be the sky. It had been the only thing Gabe ever remembered clearly from the dream. Rather than bright blue, the sky had been an odd brick red. Gabe had learned the exact name for the shade in kindergarten, but he no longer remembered it. The knowledge was lost to the same location that the later verses of "The Wheels on the Bus" were lost to.

It had been a recurring theme for Gabe, dreams where coloring was slightly off from real life. The problem was this particular dream only occurred if Gabe went to bed sober. During the average week, Gabe went to bed drunk four nights out of seven. Once the dream started recurring, four turned into six turned into seven turned into Gabe not really having a band anymore.

Heath had said he was just doing Buddy a favor, playing with them while they tried to replace Dave. It was a year before Gabe realized he wasn't coming back. Armed with an excuse to continue drinking, Gabe did so. All was well until one night, completely by accident, he ended up in bed sober. He was so exhausted from his latest drinking binge that he rolled over and was surprised to find himself in that red-bricked existence.

Everything was the right color except the sky, which seemed to spread for miles. As far as he could see in any direction there was only the red expanse, no buildings. He would have thought he was in a room if it wasn't for the constant flow of traffic on the street right next to him and the sidewalk stretched out before him.

He fumbled for his cigarettes, casually lighting one as he walked along the sidewalk. The flame of his lighter disappeared against the skyline. Absently, Gabe wondered if he could light his cigarette off the sky. All thoughts ceased when he heard a voice come from below him.

"You. I. This isn't right." He saw, sitting on the ground in front of him, a much shorter boy who most certainly hadn't been there a moment earlier. His head was resting on his knees and he was shaking his head. The cement underneath him seemed to dip, supporting his weight and almost cradling him. "I stopped having this dream."

"You're the one having this dream?" Gabe hadn't found it so unimaginable, that he had trespassed into someone else's territory. It was how he'd made his living, imitating others. "This is my dream."

"Mine." The other boy continued to curl up on the ground, which curled around him. "This is my dream and I haven't had it for well over a year. And I thought I stopped having it and seriously, if you could not chase me this time, that'd be awesome." The other boy pulled his hood over his head and all Gabe caught a glimpse of was ivory skin before it was covered and the voice muffled again.

"I've chased you?" Gabe looked down at the boy to discover he was suddenly much, much taller. In the fetal position, the other boy hardly reached his knees. "Did you really just make me taller? Do you control that stuff here?"

"Go away. I don't want to see you. Just leave." The other boy's voice was still muffled, hard to understand. The purple of his hoodie contrasted with the sky he seemed to be resting against. Gabe knew in ordinary dreams objects often blurred around the edges. The boy and his obnoxious purple hoodie might as well have been cut from glass. Gabe reached over to discover the sky supported his weight as well. "Don't you understand? I don't want you here."

"I. This isn't even my choice! You can't choose what you dream." Gabe was starting to get irritated with the boy in front of him. Who did this kid think he was? Did he even know who Gabe was? And if he was the one dragging Gabe into his dreams, he should have really been more hospitable. "Besides, this is totally my dream and I'm not even drunk. I keep having this dream and now all of a sudden you're in it, claiming that I chased you!"

"Then wake up!" The boy looked up and Gabe could see the red lines around his eyes, as if he'd been crying. "Wake up and get out of my dream! I hate having you here!" There was such anger in his voice, such disdain. Had he met this kid before? There was a strange feeling of familiarity as he stood up and pushed at Gabe's chest until Gabe felt like he was falling.

The fall seemed longer than it should have, considering that Gabe only fell to the pavement. Distances had changed, he really was fifteen feet tall.

He awoke on his bedroom floor, the light on his answering machine indicating that he'd missed a call.

"Gabe, hey. It's Trevor. I guess I missed you or something. Um, I don't know really how to say this so. Um, look, you need to get out of the city. We're all worried about you, man. It's not just me. It's. Everyone's worried. I talked to my grandparents and they have a trailer in Arizona that they said you could use for a few weeks. Look. Why don't you get out of town for a while? Take some time for yourself and maybe try to get your head in the right place." His friend's exhausted voice came through the machine. "Anyway, give me call and I'll give you the directions and stuff."

Gabe nodded to himself and headed to his closet to grab a duffel bag. He'd sort his shit out there. It had to get better because there was no way it could get any worse.


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