shoutouts - church!

Dec 04, 2005 19:24

(will be edited if i commit the grave error of not including you in this!)

(i think this introduction won't be repeated in subsequent shoutouts. hurray.)

as the year draws to a close, it is time to count all my blessings (yes, all 506 of them) and give thanks to the people who have made this year all the sweeter and wonderful!

someone says they're really short, and i'm sorry but this friendship that we have is quite indescribable, really.

alphabetically arranged so no one has the chance of feeling affronted!

in general, there is no need to know every single detail, sordid or normal, about each and every person on this list for us to become good friends.

here goes!

charis jazz band! (haha unofficial name)

it was a relatively short period of about 3 weeks or so, and we only played three songs (amazing grace, everytime i feel the spirit, i will enter his gates/this is the day) and worship together but the whole experience for uncle jonathan's wedding was fun, the practice sessions, the wedding and subsequent dinner a time to get to know each other; and all in all it was a fun experience. to uncle johnson (sax), uncle jones (lead), uncle steven (bass), uncle edwin (rhythm), jon tang (keyboard), gerald (drums), samuel (percussion), my sister (double bass), and lastly uncle noel, who put all of us together, THANK YOU. hopefully we DO get to go to nepal!


it must be really hard to put up with all my random ramblings and the various words i type in place of "hello". i still have that sweet note you wrote from sunday school and it's really encouraging. you've been a great friend to talk to this whole year, in spite of our mutual bullying and bitching sessions (hee)and the day when i started sending you all my assignments and you wanted to start smoking. our transition from not-friends to friends has been quite sudden (and all through msn some more) and i'm thankful for the help, counsel etc that you've rendered. thanks for being there for me and being so easy to confide in. and you're really strong in your faith i have a lot to learn from you. (which includes being nice to people and talking to people normally) have a good year ahead and do better for your math! (: God bless!


yihui brought you to church this year and i must say that this year has been quite eventful for you. you're the only female gamer i know (and damn good) so don't let anybody deprive you from doing something that you love, because it's what makes you unique! (: you're the three Ls - lean, loud and lame, and sometimes you make people give you -.- looks or be embarassed to be seen with you. but FoP was when we became good friends and it was awesome wasn't it? haha there's so much about FoP to talk about, the stuffing of sweets into the envelope, the jumping, your supreme skills at choping seats etc. and then sunday school retreat and the many halo battles we had! (isaac is public enemy no 1 and must be destroyed.) remember that the whole controversy was NOT your fault and you should not blame yourself. continue being happy because that's what makes you enjoyable to talk to! (:


at the start of the year, i thought that you were irritating but i have been really, really wrong about you and i'm very sorry. you're so sociable and friendly and you have no problem fitting in with anyone at all! you're probably the newest addition to our group, and seriously we had absolutely no idea how nice you were because you usually hang out with your gang, and us with our clique, so it's only this year that I, and everybody else, got to know you better, and you us.


i can't stand it your intellect (as well as your atlantic accent) is so superior you put me to shame. thanks for always being there for me, in that you always listen when i bitch and throw in some philosophical thoughts on the way so that i feel justified in feeling whatever i'm supposed to feel. you're quirky and strange, like me, and we've known each other since we were babies, so it doesn't matter that i have no idea what your class is, and who your best friends are, because in church we put everything aside and learn about God (and i learn a lot from you). your whole life seems to be a philosophy, and talking to you is just like speaking to a theologian, because you have so many valuable insights and i hope we grow closer next year! church camp was great, and you were a wonderful roommate.


you're so NICE you know and so very sweet! and so friendly and sociable no wonder everybody likes you! academic excellence may be the biggest thing giving you pressure but it's not everything! as uncle kee fei says, failing subjects just means that you'll do better the next time around. so cheer up! O levels are coming up so relax and you'll be okay (: God bless!


thanks for being my wonderful coconut sibling i guess we were quite good friends because of children's choir and all but grew closer during church camp! the talks through to 2am (and me oversleeping and not being able to send you off as a result!) and the four of us (isaac, you, my sister, me) keeping each other through the nights. the wacky activities we did in our hotel room (breaking the wine glass, bitching sessions, my sister's 'welcome to thailand') and so on. and sunday school camp (aminaaaah!) thanks for the nights of bitching, talking and going high (you and the milo). i guess nights are the only times when everybody can bond because there isn't any time otherwise! congrats on being a prefect (that's two in the family already, stupid karen the outsider!) and study hard for sec 2!

kelly kwan/sophia!

thanks for being there to bully! your cheerful and talkative self every time i see you! i've known you since we were tiny but this year was when we actually became closer, because of all the various activities we participated in as a class. i will always remember the impromptu ss worship sessions, and teaching each other worship songs. church camp provided us with an opportunity to know each other better, and thanks for queuing for FOP (the stupid guard who made you lose your place in the queue) and sunday school camp, of course, what with your infatuations for yongen and my bullying you (see i'm being nice)! being vice-head prefect comes with all its perks and bummers, but I know that God will shine His face upon you and next year will be even better! (: good luck with bao-ing the whole tan family!


church camp was a blast eh. i'll always remember our hilarious skit, with (kelly) clarkson and (justin) guarini as the hosts, abel and stephanie as david and victoria beckham, me as yao ming, mark as the diaper man (and marcus as the hapless swimmer) and the whole group of youths beating the adults to get 3rd place! (: will always treasure that 4(4?) days we spent in bangkok.


this year's an important year for you, since it's your 'o's, and we haven't really talked much this year (which isn't necessarily a bad thing because i don't think you don't feel like an outsider so much now.) we've only had one Krymidish outing and it turned out quite bad because we didn't include you all (and on your birthday some more, apologies!) you've changed a lot for the better now and as a result you're happier! while randomness is the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. (: your 'o's results are in God's hands so for now relax and do whatever you want. rock on girl!

sec 3 ss class!

actually it's not really the class, but the subgroup that's been together for almost every class activity this year. this year's been quite good for us, what with church camp, FoP, sunday school retreat and the sunday school camp bringing us closer. (i've repeated that phrase don't know how many times gah.) special mention to the silent heart attack, the wonderful barbecue we've had, SARDINES, and captain's ball (heehee we should play it again sometime! i promise i won't defend...)


like kelly and isaac, we've been friends for our entire lives, from our parents being in the same cg to us being in the same cell! (hurray!) thanks for being a great groupmate for church camp and those talks into the night. (although we avoided your room for the last few nights because of that thing) and helping us queue for the last day of FOP (and buying those chicken wings, i still remember!) and the big obiang umbrella! of course, thanks for sunday school camp and all the bonding we had, sitting on the dirty floor on the third storey and talking, sitting in the basement and laughing. great eh? i know you went through quite a bit last year but we're all good friends now so all those effort was worth it, wasn't it? have a great year ahead and good luck with choy yoke! (: God bless!


second youngest sec 3 thanks for queuing up with me during FoP first day during those AGONIZING hours under the hot sun and putting up with my delirious ramblings like "do you think [everybody else] will come in time?" and so on. and being a wonderful groupmate during sunday school camp (hah we won first!) yay hope you like the football and get first for table tennis! one of this days we will throw a waterbomb at you and you will get WET. hah. have a wonderful year ahead and God bless! (:

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