Fic: Reflection

Apr 14, 2010 18:48

Claim:The magical Table Superman/Batman
Characters/Pairing: Superman/Batman, Commander El
Word Count:283
Summary:Dark Hair with blue eyes...
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.....if I did..let's just say we'd get more comics like Batman #147 aka Batman turns into Bat-baby(real comic)
Author's Notes/Warnings:Slash?

- - - -
I hate looking at the mirror.
because I see his face
My belove's face that is
too much like mine
Dark hair with
blue eyes.

I don't want to
remind myself of
his face, because
I know I'll never see
it again.

My belove is dead
I held his body in
my arms. I gave his cowl
to his adopted sons and
his adopted-father-figure
who I had never seen cry
until that day.

I almost broke down right
there, but I couldn't
I had to be strong for the
kids he left behind
(though they would protest at being calling kids)

Earth was too painful
to stay on, every thing
taunted me of not being
able to fight for it with
my lover again

I left, probably shouldn't have
but I did. Months went by till
I even looked at Earth
I almost threw up when I did

It hit like a thousand trains
The grief, the sadness, the memories
most of the pain, it became unbearable
So I just forgot about it.

We were going to attack Earth
My old home planet
That I didn't remember
because I locked those
memories away

The fight rages on
I punch my old friends
I punch my worst enemies
Everyone is an object of my hate

I see it
The mirror image
Dark hair with blue eyes
A face just like mine

I stop punching and I remembered
The times I had save this world
with my lover at my side
my lover who was glaring at me
In hurt of what I'd done

I turned my back on Kryton
I saved the Earth with the help

Of my mirror image
Dark hair with blue eyes....

How'd I do...I think I'm going to do a series of letters....hmm-ponders-

prompt table, superman/batman

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