[And Morgan will pull the door open about thirty seconds after Thomas knocks. He has a chipped glass in hand, a threadbare blanket piled on his head, trailing from his shoulders like a cape.]
[Even standing there, mostly drunk with glass in hand, Morgan's reflexes are just barely stable enough to grab the box of twinkies as Thomas tosses it at him. He steps to the side, nodding him in.]
Yeah, man. Don't worry about that - I've got the permanent marker ready.
[Thomas nods back and slips into the apartment. He doesn't get cold but he can feel that the temperature inside is not that much different than it outside. He laughs.]
[There isn't a whole lot of seating space in the house he's set up, and half of it is taken up by an enormous cage structure. Regardless, there's a couch and a ratty recliner grouped around a fireplace that is currently burning only embers.
Morgan collapses into the recliner as he tears the box of twinkies open.]
[It's said by way of explanation of the cage, and Morgan is incredibly indelicate as he pulls open one of the snack cakes, eating half of it in one go.]
Full moon in about a week.
[Said around a mouthful of twinkie, and he gestures at the jug of moonshine.]
[He laughs at Morgan's python impression with the twinkie and instead pours himself a full glass of the moonshine.]
I'm a vampire, not a reanimated corpse. [Our Vampires Are Different, Morgan. He demonstrates by draining half the glass he's poured in one go.] Trick's to drink enough fast enough to keep from burning it all off.
[He sounds a little pitiful as he finishes off the twinkie, stuffing the wrapper into the box and wiping his fingers on the thigh of his pants. He takes his own glass back, pulling a quick sip from it and wincing harshly.
It's not that he has a delicate palate, but this stuff tastes awful.]
Can't say I've spent a lot of time around vampires, so sorry if I'm a little furry on the rules.
[Thomas feels it burn down his throat, more harshly than the good stuff but the burn also lasts a lot longer, not fading until it sat in his stomach for a good second or three. That's hopeful.]
I wouldn't spend much time around vampires if I had a choice, sweetheart. It's a good way to end up dead or with your brain liquified.
[He takes a smaller pull from the glass and the burn lingers. Thomas blinks at the glass in surprise.] Strong stuff.
[Morgan actually laughs aloud when Thomas blinks at the glass, shaking his head again.] I don't, usually. Kind of a special scenario now, though, ain't it?
[He straightens up in the recliner, turning his face to consider Thomas.]
Give me the run-down, then, sweetheart. Vampires from your world, I mean.
it is very very strong
my apartment is a dump but if you want some of this youll deal with it
[About ten, fifteen minutes later, there's a knock on Morgan's door] Pizza's here.
Don't get my hopes up, asshole.
You can get even when I'm drunk.
Yeah, man. Don't worry about that - I've got the permanent marker ready.
Drinking to keep warm, sweetheart?
Morgan collapses into the recliner as he tears the box of twinkies open.]
That, and to pass the time.
Ran out of cages to bring home, I see.
[It's said by way of explanation of the cage, and Morgan is incredibly indelicate as he pulls open one of the snack cakes, eating half of it in one go.]
Full moon in about a week.
[Said around a mouthful of twinkie, and he gestures at the jug of moonshine.]
Can vampfires even get dunk?
I'm a vampire, not a reanimated corpse. [Our Vampires Are Different, Morgan. He demonstrates by draining half the glass he's poured in one go.] Trick's to drink enough fast enough to keep from burning it all off.
[He sounds a little pitiful as he finishes off the twinkie, stuffing the wrapper into the box and wiping his fingers on the thigh of his pants. He takes his own glass back, pulling a quick sip from it and wincing harshly.
It's not that he has a delicate palate, but this stuff tastes awful.]
Can't say I've spent a lot of time around vampires, so sorry if I'm a little furry on the rules.
I wouldn't spend much time around vampires if I had a choice, sweetheart. It's a good way to end up dead or with your brain liquified.
[He takes a smaller pull from the glass and the burn lingers. Thomas blinks at the glass in surprise.] Strong stuff.
[He straightens up in the recliner, turning his face to consider Thomas.]
Give me the run-down, then, sweetheart. Vampires from your world, I mean.
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