Ugh, I can't sleep until I get this out of my head and off my chest, apparently.
So, I really love James. I love playing as James. I love playing James of people from canon and non-canon. I have ideas for James.
However I don't think I can actually DO it anymore.
I've had issues with his voice ever since I took a vacation and didn't play at all for a week. I haven't been able to recover it no matter how much canon I watch either.
If it doesn't come back soon, and I've tried playing through it, but I just feel like I'm playing him... too confident I guess? Probably because he SHOULD be completely worthless right now, missing Jessie and Meowth too much. That's not to say he's an incredibly deep character. He's not. It's just he's super-reliant on them to kick him into shape all the time, and without it he's going 'good'. Which feels WRONG as much as I kind of secretly enjoy it.
Anyway, if it doesn't come back soon (say, 1-3 weeks) I'll probably drop him. If I get the spark back I'll definitely reapp him if I DO drop him.
I don't really want to drop him though, but it's a better alternative than playing him and feeling OOC about it. Loev cast :(
He's not even the only character I'm having issues with. I'm having similar issues with Kamo, but from a different cause. I feel like I don't have enough canon for him, I'm constantly second guessing myself and I don't like that. Same with him, if I can't settle him in by the end of 2 weeks, I'll probably drop him too.
You know, if I didn't have other characters I wanted to app, I'd probably not even consider it, which is confusing to me. I hope I'm not subliminally sabotaging myself!