This is just a note in case anyone from
moksa_warped still has this journal friended.
It's now being used for
echoesoftime once I update the icons.
I deleted most of the previous posts a bit ago,sadly because I'd been considering apping Jou at another RP,but that fell through.
All you need to know about Jou's previous experiences are, he lived in a castle with a bunch of wierdos and fought monsters for three months. He misses his friend very much, and due to a magical accident, the more he cares about a certain card, the more he can hear it. When RPing Para-style I tend to put the cards remarks in italics, but Jou is the only one who can hear them, so feel free to call him crazy so he can blow up at your character :3.
Also, yes, I need to change my icons.
My aim name is Setonokoinu at the moment, but I might make a less pairing centric one in the future.