We knew the day was coming, but I honestly didn't think it would be today. Riley is the youngest of our three cats and belongs to my sister. She wasn't fixed on account of my sister never being able to for her own reasons. And she went and did got pregnant. But they are so lovely and bring joy into my heart like nothing else in the world can! BABY KITTIES. 2 Gray ones like her and 1 white one, we're assuming because the father is? Wherever he is. One of the neighborhood cats, apparently.
We had a bit of a scary moment, or more, Nessa and Eddie did because they discovered that Riley did not eat the placenta because she gave birth to the three kittens in the litterbox, so it had litter all over it. Well since the placenta was still around the kittens got all tangled up in them, trying to get milk from their mama.
Luckily they got it all cleaned up and taken care of, but the poor white one's foot is all purple, and the vet told us to rub it and make sure the little guy moves it. If it doesn't get better by the morning, he's got to go to the vet for them to take care of it. I hope its nothing serious! My mom's calling him stumpy! :( Or Stimpy, Ness says, haha!
Anyways, as far as homes go, my parents have already made it clear that we cannot have 6 cats in one house and that's reasonable because its just INSANE. Ratio of people to cats has to be greater, not the other way around. We can't get outnumbered! They'll take over the house! Ahh! ...so we have to give them away. And fortunately enough, family members and friends have already asked for them when they are old enough, and that makes me happy. Eddie, wants one of course, his grand baby. :3
And it so happens to be my Nana's birthday today, if she were still here with us. My mom was happy about that because she loved kittens. I remember her giving Peaches a toy mouse :D
I'm not sure how Peaches feels about all this. She hates Riley, and made to escape earlier but she's on lockdown for sure. And Po is just curious, but keeps his distance. He's such a sweetheart!
So phew its been a long day...
We've finally got all the money together for the tickets to Disneyland for my birthday so I am SUPER excited! I can't wait for my family to meet Steven! EXCITEMENT.