The Druff Legacy 1.7

Apr 10, 2011 21:56

Previously on the Druff Legacy, Margo was about to age into a teen, and Dan and Clara were trying their best at skilling the triplets but failing miserably.

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WARNINGS: 123 images, sim nudity, bad language, Egypt, and birthdays...

We left off with Margo aging to a teen!
Margo: CAKE.

Margo: Totally workin' it. Are you gaging mom?
Clara: *cough* No no, I'm not, sorry honey... *clears throat*

Can't figure out why I didn't write down her traits laziness, but here they are so far:
Margo Druff
Traits: Absent-Minded, Ambitious, Virtuoso, AND Daredevil
Favs: Indie Music, French Toast, Aqua

She looks just exactly like Clara with her hair, mira

THIS is why I needed teen!Margo, and because I aged Margo up so soon, she got the Daredevil trait, which is totes okay with me, because its ADORABLE and is the reason I fell in love with Dan! XD

Dan lost the game. His face is the definition of tired, no?

Playing guitar always helps stress or losing, I 'spose... He's always doing it whenever he wakes up.

Margo: This busdriver guy... he's just not my kinda guy....

Nora aged right before I got a chance to bring them down to their cakes, oops!

Then Adie was next. I was THIS:|| close!

Edith aged alone by herself in the nursery.


Edith: Yay, I don't have to go in that stupid always smelly potty anymore *does a little dance*

Edith: pwned baking.

Are you having trouble there, Adie?

Adie: *THUD* Yes. X(

Poor kids have to feed themselves...

Here's the girls after their makeovers:

OMG, SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE HER DADDY. She's already my favorite because of this. Aaaand because she rolled neurotic because she was the least skilled XD

Adie rolled the Lucky trait. And it really suits her because she was the only triplet lucky enough to get fully skilled.

It looked like Edith had jumbo ears, from Clara(?) but they're normal with proper hair. She's got the perfect blend of Dan and Clara <3

The new load screen :D
I'm soo happy I'm out of the toddler stage. That took forever.

The girls' new bedroom. It's always changing though, as you will see...

Edith: I claim this bed! Looks soooo comfy!
They're all the same, hon.

Another miracle in the Druff household :)

Clara wakes up early to make breakfast for 6 and get them to school on time

Adie: I'm so glad our room doesn't stink so bad like it used too, remember that?
Edith: Umm.. that was sooo yesterday, Adie!

Edith and Adie in union: ...Don't like this guy...

Margo: Those brats totally stole my spot...
Wait, Nora made it to the bus, where is she??

With the new found free time Clara found from not having to skill toddlers all day and night, she is actually completing her Opportunities again! Oh happy days!

Margo got the Opportunity to catch one fish... idk randomness...

Margo: Nothing's biting...

Dan comes home and makes dinner, aww, good parents... :)

Yay, homwork time! Margo had the Anxious to Succeed moodlet, so she's doing it till its done!

Dan:Hmm, you know Steven the Repairman, I fell in love with a repairman- I mean WOman...
Steven the Repairman: You are SO interesting, Mr. Druff... /sarcasm

Dan got a call from his agent or boss or whatev, isn't that always how it happens? Anyways I'm ready to explore with Dan, and it seems simple enough to complete!

Edith rolled the want to learn the writing skill, while her sisters rolled the want to paint. I'm hoping for a a Journalist!sim in her :D And of course, Artists in the others.

Margo is the first to break in the trampoline :D

This lot has literally no extra space so it goes right next to the house.

Adie, the Artist. I like the sound of that :)

I'm sensing some frustration in Edith.

Boy, for being my favorite, Nora's hardly in this chapter! She just "researched this store" for her Opportunities. I'm happy kids get Opportunities too, but its hard to complete them when they need to be doing homework and fun stuffs from doing homework all day...

And then I sent her back in to get groceries. For a Discount! Woot!

Dan won the game! Woohoo! time to celebrate!

Clara: OMG, Margo was right, this is so much fun! XD

But then again, when is Margo ever wrong? And look, Dan's home :D

Nora: Hi dad, guess what?! I got a discount at-
Dan: Nora, it's time to celebrate! I won the game! I mean, its time for your mom and I to celebrate :)

I find it very necessary for Dan and Clara to have a proper break from the kids Honeymoon they never had! :D

Dan: Hurry Clara, lets go before they notice we're gone!

Arriving in Al Simhara, Egypt

Oh Dan, how do you be so cute?
Dan: idk. :)

Dan: Sup, gurl, come here often?
Clara: *is swept*

Dan and Clara obviously get their much needed, "alone" time

Might be kinda hard to impress your wife, Dan, just sayin'...

Yup, I don't see Dan ever changing XD

HUGS. You just saw Dan's O face.

Clara: I think your O face is endearing :)

Off to do some quests! Very convenient that Dan brought his car XD

It's the new Prius commercial.

Yeah, we get it Dan, you won the race.

Dan: Um, I can't go to the door, there's a pyramid in the way!
Your logic is illogical, Dan.

Dan: Oh, THIS is the door?? Oohhh... Maybe if I bang on it, it will open...

Dan: WHAAA, that worked?!

Wow, thats it? Dan didn't even have to dig...

Running. You're doing it wrong.

Dan wins again.

And then he left to the Market without Clara. DX

Clara: So you were so in a rush you took off without me to play guitar?! ...Hey, I like this song :)
I wouldn't be able to stay mad at him either, Clara...

While Dan is off finishing quests and stuff, Clara calls Edith to get the happenings of the children while they're on vacation. I suppose Edith is the one less likely to lie to her mother since shes ~good~
Clara: Don't forget to do your homework, okay baby? Give your sisters my love :)

Dan, that's not completing a quest... -.-

Alright, a new quest and teamwork!

As you can see, Dan is the muscle and Clara is the trigger stepper.

Dan: Clara, can you give me a hand? I think there's a hidden door here...
Clara: *oblivious*

Clara: Adventuring is hot.

And then this paparazzi guy takes notes and pictures of Dan and Clara's sleeping habits? Oh, scandalous!

I like how Dan does all the normal things he does at home on Vacation. le sigh.
Clara: *swoons*

Gosh, we get it already you two! Your love is rekindled!

Dan goes to the Market to skinny dip?! Where's the paparazzi now?

Dan tries to charm this snake. I'm just happy he didn't get bitten!

Dan: Nom, cheesesteak, nom...

This is pretty much all of what Clara did for the rest of the trip. BORING.

Meanwhile, Dan is putting his hand in holes in the wall.

And is winning at that too! :D

Or, not so much! Dan, RUN!

Dan: Wait, let me just check this chest real quick.
GAH! I'm literally having a heart attack! But, he gets away safely :)

Clara: How were your adventures today, Dan?
Dan: Oh, there were fishes.

Dan got a camera, and I was making Clara do random poses. I <3 her. :D

That's quite a meal for one guy dan, look at this other guys food.
Dan: Don't judge me. I've been adventuring all day and almost got eaten by a mummy!

Dan: Plus, I need the protein. *chomp chomp*

One last picture for a fan, and then vacation is over! Yay!

Back at home, Margo is doing her homework.
Margo: Wait. What's a hypotenuse again?

I'm glad Margo is a good role-model for her sisters.
And when Dan and Clara get home, they go off straight to bed.

Everyones off to school the next morning and now I see why I can never see Nora in the bus, Shes always last out the door...

Dan's the only one who doesn't have to work today, so I decorate his room with his artifacts

And gets skilling.

And when the school day is over, he helps Margo with her homework.
Dan: And remember Margo, the hypotenuse is the largest side in a right triangle and is always opposite the right angle.
Margo: Oh, that's totally what I thought it was. NOT.

Dining room = Homework/family time!

I missed it, but Margo fell off of the trampoline! DX
Margo: I think the fall made me forget what a hypotenuse is... I can't remember...

Dan: Wow, I forgot we had a tv.
Me too, Dan, me too...


Edith does the good thing, and donates $100 of her parents money to charity XD

Edith: Gosh, is this your first time, Adie?! Where have you beeen?

Writing skill? Granted.

Want's to play tag with mom? Done.

Clara: Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!

Legacy Mantel!

Nora: I'd rather be composing music than doing homework.
Edith?: Me too! Wait. No, I'm eating. Rather be eating.

Wants to paint. Done and done.

Get this, everyone is skilling in the house...

Even got Adie her own easel...

Nora, too

But Edith is in trampoline utopia!

Edith: Woohoo! Watch what I can do!

Adie's second completed painting. WTB.

OH NOES. Birthday time.

Edith: Woo, go mom! You're old!

Clara: Yay! Go me! I'm old!

Clara: I mean, NO! I OLD! D:
Dan: Hon, you're... beautiful?
Margo: Oh God. Is that what I'm going to look like when I'm old?!
Adie: I'm like, ready for cake now, Mom.

Nora: Wow, Mom. You're mean when you're old.
Everyone besides Clara: Yeah... :/

But, Clara still gots it, and knows it. She retired from being a Desk Jockey. Now that I think of it, she should have just been a stay at home mom...

Oh no, not you too Edith!
Edith: I'm protesting the gray hairs, code name, Abominable Snowmen!

That is the most random-est thing I have ever seen a child do. I don't understand. But that is what I leave you with.

Thanks for reading! :D
Next chapter will have more birthdays, more abominable snowmen, and more teenagers, oh my!

the druff legacy, the sims 3

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