Welcome back to the Druff Legacy! We missed you! Lots of happenings this time, may be too many? I'll let you be the judge.
Missed a part? Here's the
archive WARNING: 62 images under the cut! Bad language, glitches, and babies galore...
Last time in the legacy, Dan and Clara Druff had a baby girl named Margo and moved to a new house.
They moved from the innercity to the "developing" neighborhood just outside of it. This was difficult because Bridgeport is full of fail in creating lots. I don't suggest it.
Clara loves the new bar. The first thing she did when they moved in was make herself a drink.
Clara is totally in love with being a mother. *eyeroll*
Actually she really loves it, despite her re-re face. And drinking problem.
I finally got to change her clothes, and Margo's too since they have room for a dresser now, woah! :D
Dan is really not a morning person. He works, and comes home to work out, and sleeps. That's the life, yes?
And not to meantion he awoke with this want. Shit just got real.
Ever since I built a house in a different neighborhood, it has made the speech bubbles appear out of place or way too big. I need to fix that! Once I learn how or what caused it D:
Oh, and COOKIES FOR BREAKFAST FTW. Neither Clara nor Dan will cook anything.
OMG a mail man! Its been so long since I've seen one, I forgot they existed! They don't go to Apartments, or at least I've never noticed if they have.
Dan: WOOO! I'm going to read a book! YES!
Dan forgot(?) to put his arms up when he yells, so he just looks extremely angry.
Oh, and this is the house after I repainted it and everything. Before it was ugly green. And yes, Dan drives a freakin' Prius. Save the imaginary Sims environment. :D
Dan: Reading for work, sucks.
BUT! It'll give you a boost for a promotion, you know you need that money, Dan...
Dan and Clara both rolled wants to hug or kiss each other simultaneously. D'awwww...
Dan: Please can we have more babies? I wanna try for a boy :)
Dan: Pretty please?
Who can say no to that?!
Clara: You're so cute Dan, of course we can.
But I don't think Margo is ready to NOT be the center of attention anymore. She seems fussier than normal.
Or maybe she was just hungry. :)
Once Margo was taken care of, it was baby makin' time.
Woohoo! Baby jingle! One shot! XD
This image is to prove that not all of Margo's child life takes place in only her room
Clara put Margo down and ran to the garage to throw up. But then she just stood there, and didn't do anything. I think she swallowed it D:
Clara: OMG, work?! I forgot about that! Did not get enough sleep!
Clara: Mmm, coffee helps! Where have you been all my life, caffeine?
Dan heads to work also. It takes him 45 sim minutes to get there now that they have moved. He does not look amused.
Clara hired a babysiter, and it turned out to be this sim, Hasan Waldron.
And he looks like a total creeper. Not someone I want to watch my kids!
He stood there for many sim hours just staring at Margo sleeping. And then he wooped out of no where O.O
As soon as Hasan goes to watch tv, Margo wakes up. Nice timing. I would not want to wake up with a stranger staring at me O__O
My God, she is totally Clara's child.
Margo: I see you legacy writer. I'm watching you.
Clara's first ever day of work turned out to be exhausting. I'm surprised she still has a job seeing as her mood is so down.
She heads straight to the coffee maker when she arrives home.
Clara: Oh, did you miss me, coffee? I missed you all day long...
Dan gets home from work all sweaty. His job as a Minor Leaguer is paying off :)
Dan: Can you say 'chips and salsa,' Margo?
He's an awesome father so far, jus sayin' :)
Oh Clara. I love your face XD. She stood there like this for a long while because...
There's a baby growing inside her :D More maternity leave, ftw.
Dan: Margo, say 'chalcosoma atlas' they're from Malaysia!
Margo: Chalcosoma!
Dan: Good girl! *claps*
Margo learns to talk here :)
Awwwwwwwww! He rolls want to snuggle Margo and tickle her all the time!
Dan is doing the 'Leftover Birthday cake from when Margo turned into a toddler' diet. It works!
Clara cooks sometimes.
The next day Dan wakes up and plays his guitar right away. He is JAMMING hardcore.
And once he starts playing, he gets this call. What a coincidence!
The baby waddle is back!
Margo learns to walk! :D
I made Danny job home from work, is that mean? >:) In my defense, he wanted to do a Cardio Workout.
And then Margo learned to go Potty all in the same night :)
I am so proud. :D I've never had children on the Sims 3 yet, and I really miss that green bottle stuff they got in Sims 2 to learn faster
Clara makes some Goopy Carbonara for their first REAL home cooked DINNER
It's very rare to see them in the dining room at the same time. Kodak moment!
Katrina Pala calls Dan frequently for parties and just to chat, and I feel so bad that he's got to turn parties down since he's a dad. Poor Party Animal, Dan.
Any second now.
Dan: OMG you are so right, Katrina, ginormous bags of trash are truly an epidemic here in Bridgeport.
And then it happens as I'm trying to get Clara to eat apples!
Dan rushes in from working out
Dan: Oh God! Is the baby coming?!
Clara: Well. I guess I overreacted.
Margo: *plays xylophone undisturbed*
Dan: I can't do anything but panic at this point! Margo! Do something!
Margo: *continues playing to herself*
Clara tries to head off to the hospital. Nope. Not today.
Clara: But I'm about to give birth!! Pain!
Dan drinks while Clara gives birth. AWESOME. :/
And then my effing world ends. TRIPLETS. ALL GIRLS.
This is what Margo's room looks now. Complete with afterbirth?
This is what Clara looks like now. Completely numb.
Dan feels the same. No baby boys for him :(
As soon as all of the girls are put to bed, Dan and Clara do their own thing.
And THIS is what Dan's family looks like now at the start up screen. It makes me lawl with insanity. It is INSANE. :P Thanks for reading! Tune in next time to see how the girls turn out! BIRTHDAYS GALORE.