Dec 02, 2005 20:59
I'm in such a bad mood & I don't know why.
It's not PMS.
& I have no reason to be mad, it's just like everone seems to be getting on my nerves.
I keep putting myself down & acting all EMO & I hate it.
I'm really worried about everyone. In my family & my friends.
& I keep feeling like everyone is leaving me. idk everything feels soo distance.
since highschool started everything has changed.
the friends i had in 8th gared arn't really my friends anymore.
3 that bother me extremly badly is Kayla H., Brittany Bennett, & Alex Bogaert.
Kayla just seems like she's gotten too cool for me.
Brittany makes me feel worthless, like she has no time for people like me.
& Alex, idk i LOVE her with all my hreart. i love all of them with all my heart but everytime me & Alex talk about hanging out it just never happens.
I know that throughout my life I have mad ALOT of wrong choices, expecally regarding my friends, but throughout these experiences I have learned wrong from right & what to do & what not to do. & it's starting to seem like people won't give me another chance for me to prove that i'v changed.
lately I'v been feeling like I can't do anything right. & I know thats not true. but at the end of the day, no matter how good the hours before were, I always end up feeling like crap.
idk. maybe I just need someone to talk to.
I need to get out of this house & off of this computer.
I'm not used to change & everything has just changed so fast.
I wish everything was how it used to be.
I miss feeling content.
If you think you could help me possibly. please reply.
All My L♥Ve & Good Night,