oh look its jesus!!! its jeeeesus<,/i>!

Feb 07, 2005 03:40

so .. saturday night was fun. me up w. josh at his old place.. it was this really cute kids birthday.. but he was just turning 19? no maybe 20.. and hes gay.. but sooo just like "u should be on reality tv" cute. nehoo. at first i wasnt having fun because 1: everyone there was really young,,, (but then again so is josh) and 2: christy met up w. some fucking ugly ass fattys and decided to bring them along. these guys were sooo annoying that i just couldnt stand by them. uh.

anyway... christy is now sorry for inviting them along cuz they stole a bunch of shit from her car.. as in cd's, money, beer, seat covers.. anything they can get their hands on! i mean who meets someone for the first time and steals shit from them? more over who meets someone for the first time and invites them into their car and takes them places.. thats how horror movies start out.

but i had fun once i was faded because if i wasnt looking at them i didnt notice they were there.

oh i forgot there were some cute kids there...

so to sum it all up.. my saturday night's shitty moments were balanced out by good moments.

well we were drinking untill like 6 in the morning and i didnt get home till 8am and i woke up at maybe 5pm? sounds right.

oh yeah i forgot.. i was abused all fucking night last night!!
first, were on the 60 going to christy's cuz she had a cup of beer in her car.. dont ask me why a fucking open container full of liquid was in a car.. but yeah.. she knocks the WHOLE thing on me! i had to stand up and stick my ass by the vent to dry myself.. this was at like 11pm.. and at 8am it was still soaking wet! fuck. then we get josh and hes fuckin gone.. and he decides to stick his head out the sun roof.. and on his way up he punches me in the head.. or elbows me.. or kicks me.. doesnt matter all i know is it was w. all his body weight and my eyes teared up and i couldnt stand up. so we're at christy's house and im on the bed holding my phone above my head so the screen light will be in my eyes and im all.. do i have a concussion? just then.. i drop my phone .. i have a bruise on my left eyebrow bone aswell as a cut.. then christy has her windows on child lock and she rolls my window up on my fingers.. and the child lock is on and im screaming telling her to unock the door.. so she turns the car off.. and im screaming saying no i mean the windows.. and yeah. so like a fucking minute later the turns the car on. then josh is too drunk.. and he tried to kiss me but all he did was bite my top lip and make my bottom one hit my teeth....and now its fuckin swollen.

wow that was alot. anyway tonight was fun too. k bye

ps.. u know how sometimes u freeze a water bottel..? well it takes a really long time to drink that fucker .. wouldnt you agree?

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