Further adventures in cooking .... German Food

Jan 25, 2015 18:12

Those who know me, probably also know I'm 2nd generation German - so why would make_your_move want to take a cooking class on German food? Because there was some new stuff I had done before :) Here is the menu for today:

Salatsauce (salad dressing)
Rouladen (stuffed, rolled beef)
Grüner Spargelsalat mit Kraütersauce (Asparagus w/ Herb Sauce)
Rodkraut/Rodkohl (Red Cabbage)
Sauerbraten (marinated beef)
Kartoffelklöße (Potato Dumplings)
German Apple Pudding cake
German Chocolate Cake

I've never actually made pretzels from scratch, so I asked the chef early if I could work on those. I had to wait a long time for them to rise (probably not that long, but it felt like it) I was a little nervous about dumping them in the water bath before baking them, but all was well. They came out yummy, but needed more salt.

I made the Shnitzel sauce (mushroom and cream sauce), I had a hand in the potato dumplings. And I made the apple pudding cake which was delightful and easy to make. Then we ate, and now I'm stuffed

food, trying something new

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