Asking the LJ brain trust - Would you use ...?

Jan 28, 2013 15:24

I've been debating the merits of starting my own business, specifically an Errand/Task Mgmt/Concierge type service.

You = Busy consumer - full time job, parent, busy life - potentially can't get everything done that you'd like
Me = Person to manage those errands/task/etc for you.

If you had a local business close to you that did those type of jobs, would you use them? Do you prefer to get the work done yourself or let things go entirely? What types of tasks are the ones you need done the most and would delegate out to someone else? What do you think you might pay for such a service?

I've looked at places like - but they don't operate in my area and they don't seem to franchise. I've also done local research and seen a few, but not many in the Northern VA area.

I'd appreciate any thoughts or comments!

chasing a different dream

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