Not the right time for this dream....

Oct 04, 2010 09:32

I want to thank everyone who posted an insight, or comment on my post about buying the yarn store. I took all of your words to heart, and I did my homework. I went to the library and cleared out the section on buying/selling/owning a small business. I chased down multiple leads and talked to a lot of good contacts (provided by friends) and I ran the financial aspect ....

After consideration and more than a few conversations with my lovely hubby lapsedagnostic (who never once scoffed, laughed or dismissed the idea - and in fact, encouraged me to look into it) - I've decided not to pursue this dream right now. It's just not the right time for this dream.

I'm not going to say never, because I think it may come up again in the future. And while I love my current calling/job/work .... I do dream of a day when I'm no longer on call all the time.

Thanks again. My FL rocks my socks :)

chasing a different dream

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