November?! How did that happen?

Nov 18, 2009 11:45

It's somewhat shocking to realize we're almost exactly one week away from Thanksgiving. I'm cooking again this year. Since the brining went over so well last year, I already have the supplies to do it again. I suppose purchasing a turkey fairly soon would help.

Things continue apace at Casa de M & Q. An update:

Kids- are doing pretty well. The Widge has been sick, which necessitated an unplanned trip down to her at college. It was good to see her, although there was relatively little I could do. Well, other than help clean her dorm room which was a freaking disaster. That and a 2 hour trip to the laundrymat. I stopped and saw H & K at their school on the way back and took them out to lunch. Got the lowdown on college life, college boys and classes. I'm really looking forward to them all being home next week.

Triathlon- I started my 6 week basic training this week. I'm on day 3 and committing to faith in the process that somehow, someway I'll turn into an athlete. Part of that process is journaling everyday which I do on my triathlon filter. I'll be curious to see the journey 21.5 weeks from now.

Work- Work has been slow. Only one client this month, and potentially 2 for next month (1 of whom may have to transfer out). Consequently, finances suck royally. I'm looking for additional work, or side jobs. I can do a number of things. I'm potentially thinking of doing some henna on the side for parties, showers and the like. Contact me if you know of anything.

Life- Pretty good. Haven't gotten to see much of my loves. Wife is slam-dunk busy at work, haven't had time with R since September. The biggest change is that my sweetie belthazar_b has found a job in NoVa and will be moving down here the weekend after Thanksgiving to start his new job that Monday. The stress of looking for, finding and moving has been hard on him and me too. So, I'm looking forward to things settling down soon.

SCA- headed out to the Holiday Faire event in Stierbach. Any of my other SCAdian friends going? Miss my clan something fierce. Oh, and I'm already starting to dream of Pennsic again.

Crafting- Still knitting. I finished a number of small projects recently and sent them out to various folks. I need to update my pictures. Chatted with a friend last night who's started something new and nifty and then had to talk myself out of it when my brain said "oh pretty, let's try!". Yeah, not so much.


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