Stop breast cancer

Oct 01, 2008 20:32

For my friends ... but particularly by women friends. This website was started today by Dr. Susan Love to try and follow and study healthy women *before* they get breast cancer. This is a blurb from their site:

From Army of Women
About Us

The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and the Avon Foundation, a
global leader in breast cancer research, joined forces to launch the
Love/Avon Army of Women.

Our revolutionary initiative has two key goals:

  • To recruit one million healthy women of every age and
    ethnicity, including breast cancer survivors and women at high-risk for
    the disease, to partner with breast cancer researchers and directly
    participate in the research that will eradicate breast cancer once and
    for all.
  • To challenge the scientific community to expand its
    current focus to include breast cancer prevention research conducted on
    healthy women.

Join us in this movement that will take us beyond a cure by creating
new opportunities to study what causes breast cancer-and how to prevent


I don't want to lose another friend. I miss Talia ... I miss Cait. I want to do what I can to help.

Please look at the website, and considering joining.

Spread the word on your LJ and blogs.

stop breast cancer, cait

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