Happy things

Sep 16, 2008 10:14

Sometime around the middle of August I was looking for this book "Colman", and the cheapest paperback copy I could find was about $75. Well ... it showed up on Amazon the other day for slightly less than $20 and I grabbed it. It arrived this morning :-)

Also, in the happy making for less than $5 - cotton rainbow colored yarn from the evil empire, I mean Walmart. Dude, I think there's a new scarf in the near future. I'm also interested in learning how to knit socks .. anyone out there be willing to teach me. I'll bribe suitably ... mebbe dinner?

I'm thinking after a long hiatus, lapsedagnostic and I might be considering the return of "Bad B movie night" at our place. Interest? Bueller?

The Body for Life challenge I'm on seems to be working. I'm down a little in my weight and my cardio and weight lifting has gone up. I post about it on a separate filter and in the lj community fast_together that I started.

I spent the weekend with my loves and getting to see my friends and be social.

Yay, it Tuesday! What's new with y'all?


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