A short update

Apr 29, 2008 09:16

Last week was busy. 'Nuf said about that.

Friday was lovely. belthazar_b came down to visit for the weekend. We had a lazy friday and a yummy lunch at Chipotle's and dinner at the Macaroni Grill and a in house movie night watching "Enchanted" having missed it when it was out in the theatres.

Saturday was spent getting in a short visit with a few of the clan.... mellyflori, cussata, lalartu and svandevander. Some projects got accomplished, including more work on the new "Lusty Wench" sign for War. We chatted about Pennsic and start writing up numbers and planning things on paper. The kids had a good time hanging out and got a chance to give the Wii a workout. Saturday night lapsedagnostic and belthazar_b and I all headed out to the club for a lovely evening.

There will be another garden this year in my front yard since B was kind enough to help me dig up and till the plot on Sunday, while Q did the lawn. Seeds will probably go in the ground today after the girls get home. I'm looking forward to seeing how the new flowers will look this year since I'm trying a different set of flowers. Sunday night a friend from World of Warcraft came into town and down for a visit with buckleyjohn.

And then my Widgeon came home from her Dad's and made me smile :) This week looks to be just as busy as last week with dance today, 2 doctor appts tomorrow and piano, a doc appt and dance again on Thursday and then we're already at the end of the week! Sheesh, it's only Tuesday and my week is mostly gone.

How are you all?


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