Sounds of Silence

Nov 26, 2007 13:23

Today I haven't spoken to another person, save lapsedagnostic and my children. I exercised and watched "Sicko" by Michael Moore pondering why we don't have better medical care in our country. What communication I have done has been via email or LJ. There is no music in the background, no TV and the only audible noise is that of the refrigerator and the fan on my laptop.

I am by nature an extrovert. If you give me the choice between company or solitude - 93% of the time, I'll choose company. But there are days (and apparently this is one) where what I need most is just quiet. Quiet in my house, quiet in life, quiet in my head ... even for just a few hours. I didn't plan on it, but apparently that was today's gift to me, and I will receive it with gratitude.

gratitude, little moments

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