Real update

Sep 04, 2007 17:08

It's been a busy weekend.

Friday had a hot date with my hubby lapsedagnostic! It was, well ... very satisying on many levels. Also, got to spend some good quality time with the lovely liatha.

Saturday was spent with the girls. Widgeon had to work the entire weekend at the pool, but actually got off shift at 3:30 Saturday. We went to the a lovely bar-b-que and spent some time sitting and chatting with fortryll, pyrategrrl, toki_warax, 3ravensringo, bluejai, xilet, Joey, Sas and various and other assundry folks. It was a lovely. Saturday evening was spent getting in good momma/daughter chick time with the Widgeon. We watched Children of Men - best one word descriptor of this movie? Intense.

Sunday was spent working on the lawn and cleaning up the flower beds. Sunday afternoon found us Warcrafting a bit and I reached level 63 - w00t! Taught a 3 hour class on Sunday evening. It was good, but just a wee bit too long.

Monday I spent a lovely last day of summer in the company of my wife ani_moore at the Maryland Renaissance Faire. Highlights of the day including getting so see some of the Clan cussata, lalartu, mellyflori, svandevander and my favorite baby wenchlette Chloe! There was hair braiding, cider, food, laughter, visiting, massage, shows and baby snuggling.

Last night was spent snugglings some girls and getting them ready for school.

All in all, a pretty grand weekend. Yay!

outings, life

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