Good Day(s)

Aug 01, 2007 14:38

Pennsic is fantastic. The weather while hot and humid is still better than wet and cold. Camp is set up, Walmart run has been made and the merchants are now open. There has been drinking and bellydancing time spent lazing at Your Inner Vagabond (a *fabulous* coffee house) with iced Siamese Coffee (it is like *crack* it is so good!) and a moonlit walk of the lake last night with the Widg. I have hugged and loved on friends and loved ones, and while I miss my family like mad - they will be here in a few days and I'm enjoying a lot of being a grownup.

I am keeping a paper journal of my everyday highs and lows. Which will at some point translate to a long ass post after Pennsic.

Not checking all of LJ for the last few days, but now the Mystic Mail is open I will check it again. If there's something you want me to see, please leave me a link in the comments.

*smooch* Hope yinz are doing well.


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