Update-y thing and Pennsic blatherings.

Jul 23, 2007 08:30

Yes, the pre-Pennsic madness began awhile ago -- I've actually sewed almost every day for the last week and a half. If all goes well today I will hopefully finish the sewing and get around to the packing and repacking of the garb trunks. Why I did this to myself, particularly this year, I'll never know.

Also, there was the map thing for our block. With the help of mellyflori and autox323is we played map "tentris" to fit 16 groups on a plot of land that just really can't accomodate them. It was ... well ... a pain in the ass, but it did finally work. I finished the final copy of the map this weekend and put it up for everyone else on the block to see. I didn't have the dreams that Cait used to have ('cept for a couple early on) but I don't discount they might still appear since I'm leaving for War on Friday.

Ah ..... Cait. I haven't spoken much of her - because really, I still can't. To say that I miss her is an understatement. Her not being here is like a fierce ache in my chest that doesn't go away, and the closer we/I get to War this year, the more it hurts. I'll post about her more sometime ..... This year will be the first year that we haven't been together at War in 16 years. *sigh*

Also, due to a certain young lady's schedule mellyflori also might not make War this year which makes me sad. BUT When that certain young lady makes her arrival I will be the luckiest-happiest Auntie Mym ever because I'll have a new baby to spoil !!!!!

I am looking forward to it though. Widgeon is coming back this year for the first week. She's also got a job at the Inner Vagabond part time that week. mamatata is coming this year!!! All my clan peeps will be there. My loves will be there. And oh ... yeah ....

My 40th birthday will happen while I'm there. Hmmmm, I suppose I should have something grown up and profound to say about this upcoming birthday - but I don't at the moment. I'm going to be a "woman of a certain age" as Cait used to say -- still, sometimes I just feel about 24, ya' know?

Speaking of birthday's, my youngest S will be turning 6 next week. I won't be here, but I'm planning a birthday celebration for when she arrives. I'm also plotting birthday things for my lovely wife ani_moore, my best friend mamatata and a couple of other folks. It's so nice to have people to share birthdays with.

Okay, tea's finished and I have a "board meeting" with my 6 year old. Gonna get my butt handed to me in Princess Monopoly. Not a bad way to start a morning.

life, pennsic

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