A-mazing weekend

Apr 23, 2007 12:36

This weekend gets an "A" in my books! Among other things (in bullet points to be elaborated on in a bit):

*Great Big Sea on Friday night at the Warner was wonderful. I took my #1 and #2 daughters, my girlfriend's daughter and friend, my wife ani_moore and my boyfriend belthazar_b with me. I also got to see mellyflori, kfitzwarin and cutie-pie hubby of hers, thatliardiego (who came and chewed deliciously on my neck) and numerous other friends. The only sad part was not getting to take wilfulcait with me because that would of made my evening complete.

*We got stuff done around the house including the lawn and cleaning out our garage. My hard working husband lapsedagnostic, da' boyfriend belthazar_b and I busted our humps for hours but it was *totally* worth it. The garage has been swept, organized and has *gasp* floor space. It is a thing of beauty.

*Saturday night was ... well ... delicious. No, no details on that one :)

*I won 2 Ebay auctions for dresses that I plan on wearing in Vegas, baby in a couple of weeks - pretty things at affordable prices. w00t!

*Went to a wonderful birth yesterday! A lovely baby boy named Jonah Spence was born weighing in at 9lbs. Was home before dinner

*My flower beds got planted by B and my girls - there will be flowers again this summer. Yay!!!!

*Went out to dinner and saw "300" with B. Had a delightful evening.

gratitude, gifts, little moments, life

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