5 or more things in no particular order

Jan 21, 2007 17:39

1. I'm currently snowed in in WV with belthazar_b. I will, if all goes well, be home sometime tomorrow, but the weather is bad enough that: a) I couldn't get off of the hill where B lives with a front wheel drive Toyota Corolla and passable tires, and b)he barely made it down the hill with a better car and snow tires, this is *after* we passed at least 2 accidents in Morgantown proper, and c) even if I could of gotten out of here the warnings of continued snow and ice made me slightly wary of driving almost 4 hours and getting stuck in the dark in bad-ass weather. This isn't what I'd planned, but at least I'm not going to worry my loved ones. Anyway, there's pizza, football and Warcrack later and snuggling with my boy :)

2. I had a wonderful, wonderful weekend with parts of my clan and my friends from The Chalkman Pub in PA. There was food, drink, conversations, stories and laughter :)

3. A sudden bout of insomnia both nights this weekends made the days a little less fun. Despite having comfortable bedding and a dark place to sleep, both nights when I lay down, I could not fall asleep which was aggravating. Thank ghod for Tylenol PM. Better living through chemistry, yo.

4. My daughter has an amazing best friend. For the last 4 months Katie-bird has been working on a handmade quilt in honor of A's 16th birthday. She finished it on Friday and called to tell me about it on the drive up, she was so excited that to be able to give it to her this weekend. Unfortunately I wasn't going to be there to see it. She brough it by today. A sent me pictures (since I can't be home to see it before she's back at her Dad's for the next 2 weeks) and it is wonderful. It has little things that are about them, including lyrics from a couple of different songs. I cried to see the pictures of it. I'm so happy about how truly wonderful these girls are and how lucky they are to have each other.

5. I had a date night with my oldest daughter Widgeon, Friday before this one. We hit the movies and did a chick flick "The Holiday" with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz. It was so much fun to have that time with just her, because I know in a couple of years she'll be off to college and we won't have the time we do now.

6. I spent date night with da' wife this last Tuesday ani_moore taking a tribal bellydancing class. Not only did she treat me to the class, she also treated me to some girly eye candy glittery makeup in purple and gold. She also picked up some, and played with it this weekend, taking some incredible pictures after she was all dolled up. And at the dance class she was entranced with trying to make the Shimmy Fairy show up -- it's so much fun to be able to share one of my passions with her :)

7. I haven't played WoW all week, and surprisingly I've missed it ... *huh* Strange thing for this non-gamer girl to say

8. Last weeks eating and exercising went by the wayside. Not awful, not unrecoverable, but most definitely not really there. This week will be better.

9. Eh ... brain cramp, lost my train of thought ....

10. Stay warm, safe and dry, k?!

bellydance, gratitude, little moments, weekend

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