A real update

Dec 28, 2006 09:21

It was a good Christmas all in all. Christmas Eve lapsedagnostic, I and the kids and the wife ani_moore all went to the 5pm service at church. It's one of only 2 times that Q comes to church, and his willingness and cheerfulness about doing this with us makes it a special present to me. Afterwards at home we had a lovely dinner of Italian Chicken (which I'd put in the crock pot earlier in the day) and then we followed my family's tradition of some gift opening in the evening. We each opened 2 gifts -- I got a beautiful purse and necklace from da' boyfriend russell_moore and a flip-watch pin (with a tree of life on the front) from my lovely wife. After we got the kids settled into bed, Q and I had some time to WoW with the boyfriend belthazar_b - not traditional since we usually spend that evening finishing up the wrapping.

Christmas morning did not find me up at the crack of dawn like last year :) Kids and I got up around 7:15 had some breakfast and tea and opened our stockings. We rattled lapsedagnostic out of bed around 8 so we could do some real unwrapping! This year the gifts were a bit less and smaller but they were very appreciated and we were all happy. We picked up the Widgeon around 10am to do gifts with the teenager. More unwrapping fun.

Later in the day we packed up to go to Q's parents for the day. Q ended up feeling very poorly so he spent a lot of the day sleeping on and off. We had a great time at the 'rents, an enormous turkey dinner and some movies for the evening. Tuesday was spent reading new books, playing games with the girls and catching up family news. The ride home was uneventful, but long. The kids are off school all week, so yesterday was spent at home trying to clean up and not lock the children in the closet! I don't know what it was about yesterday in particular but they were almost unbearable by the end of the afternoon. *grr* There are days you should get a certificate for not locking your children in the closet (so sayeth wilfulcait).

Last night I was a very lucky girl and had a double date -- with da' wife ani_moore and wilfulcait and extra added bonus time with autox323is. Yanked all the tribal dance stuff out of the closet and sewing room. Plotting, planning and dance classes are in the offing for the new year and projects will be worked on over the weekend.

Looking forward to the weekend and the ringing in the new year with family, loves and friends.

christmas, gratitude, gifts, life

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