Bang! Bang! Maxwell Silverhammer Came Down On Her Head

Jul 15, 2005 15:32

I remembered my dreams last night. Well, 2 of them. The first one, I was on some couch some where, with Ariana, and we were making-out BUT, in between kisses, she'd tell me an interesting Pink Floyd fact, and then she put on Dark Side of the Moon. We made out until Any Colour You Like, and then she left. It was hot.

The second one was me and Gabe finally made a movie. It was a movie about the music revolution in the 60's, leading the the 70's but it was comical. There was one character we had that any time you talked to him, he'd say something from our times. Like, "Oh hey!" "I CHOOSE YOU PICACHU! Oh, sorry, you're not ready for that..." Or like Gabe walks by and he was like, "Dude, listen to this..." *Pulls out a CD player* "They're called 'Cold' they're inovative and original."

It was cool.

I was thinking, not only would it be interesting to meet Paul McCartney and Ringo Star because they were 'Beatles' but, because they've lead interesting lives behind that. I think my dad lead an interesting life, and he wasn't a rockstar, so I wonder what happens in Paul and Ringo's life. Like, my dad's been shot, and there's a cool story behind that, I wonder if like, secretly Ringo hates keeping rhythm or something, you know? Like things about their lives. I bet they're super wise. I mean, they've both lost 2 close friends and stuff. Heh, it's be cool.

Also, I remember one day in school, I asked Mr. Kelso how he was so wise, (when I was Christian) and he said, "I read alot, especially the bible." Which cancelled out the whole wise-thing. He just told me how he gains knowledge, not wisdom. 2 different things, smart ass. I hate him.

Well, I'm done.

I'm SUPPOSED to be coming home tomorrow morning, but knowing my family, I'll be on a train home August 15th.
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