Welp, it's gonna be Yumehito from ayabie's birthday soon in Japan, so I made some icons of our little camwhore to celebrate~
So, without further ado...
[20] Yumehito icons
Let's go, dani! ・θ・ 001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
013 014 015
016 017 018
019 020 021
Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble *Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog song plays*
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-Ask me if modifying anything, same goes for reposting-
-Give credit if on LJ, not necessary on other sites, just don't claim as your own-
-Bobot liek comments-
-Bobot haet graphic theft-
-Members get access to resources and the memories! Layouts, too!-
Join Watch Affilates Yeah, don't worry, I know, this is being posted kinda early, but I'll advertise at about the right time for his birthday so no worries~ I just figured I'd post it since everything was ready!