I met Victor's friend Danny.
We went to WalMart.
City Park.
Took pictures.
Across town to Circle K.
Got cappuccino's.
Bought Cassie an apple juice.
Went to Complex Park.
Hung out somemore.
Took off and bought cheeseburgers at McDonald's.
Bought Cass some fries.
We went to Cassies.
Hung out on the couch.
Took more pictures.
Watched LifeTime< 33
Came home at 12.
Stupid curfew!!
Mom said "midnight bc it not my ruby slippers will go away"
lol..She mixed Cinderella with Wizard of Oz..weirdo.
Camera Shyness< 33
Danny's Tats.
City Park.
Complex Park..haha Isreal drew Danny a while back on the table.
At Cassie's house.
..but i still don't want a boyfriend