Feb 19, 2005 14:38
Last month marked the two-year anniversary of PETA's Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign, which has opened everyone's eyes to the horrific ways in which chickens and other animals are treated in slaughter houses and factory farms.
More than 750 million chickens that are raised to be eaten by KFC customers are crammed into massive, over-populated, disgustingly filthy sheds, where each bird lives its short, miserable life in a space about the size of a single sheet of paper.
These poor chickens are all too often fully conscious when their throats are cut and then dropped into tanks of scalding hot water to remove their feathers.
I'm sure we all remember in July of 2004,when a PETA investigation into a KFC slaughter house in Moorefield, W.Va."www.peta.org/feat/moorefield/", found employees stomping on chickens and violently slamming them against the floors and walls. They also were caught on video ripping chickens beaks and heads off and squeezing their bodies so violently that the animals expelled feces.
I urge each and everyone who reads this to speak up for those who can't. Learn more about what happens behind KFC's closed doors at www.kfccruelty.com