first of all. ur the one with no life if u have to leave me comments, if u dont care to know about my life dont read my journal. is it that hard to understand i mean seriously.
ok ur the fucking loser leaving anonymous comments on MY journal, so before u go and call anyone a loser. or VERY trashy as u would say, u need to take a look at urself and ur stupid actions. bcuz stephanie, and myself, dont leave stupid lil immature comments on peoples journals, thats midde school shit. if u think im such "Trash" then dont read my fucking journal, and dont leave immature comments. cuz it looks to me like ur the one being trashy.
ur being the trashy one. if u keep going back and leaving me comments. if u think im ugly fat AND trashy then who cares. thats ur opinion. i honestly dont care. and u can leave all the comments u want. cuz ill have an answer to them all.
leave ur fucking name then but u must be a fucking chicken or something if ur not ganna leave it ooo and who said it was ally no one read up ur the only one ummm i wonder
no sorry. and u should really get more things to say besides we r gay and fat. cuz 1st off im not gay, i hate gay people. and 2nd of all, im not fat, u may think so, but heyyy thats ur opinion and i dont care wat u think, cuz if ur too much of a pussy to leave ur name then why should i fucking care about wat u have to say about me.
okay so you hate gay people? wow i was being hypothetical but.... wow your a bitch. I dont know where you get off making fun of people to try to make yourself feel better. If its such a bad thing making jfun of you then maybe you should consider the way you make fun of other poeple.. humm.. maybe them you wouldnt get anonymous comments from people that dont like you that arent even friends with you!!! Wow thats pretty pathetic to have people hate you that arent even friends with you. So maybe if you didnt talk bad about people that you dont know, or arnet friends with, OR THAT your friend(s) arent friends with, when you dont even know them. before you start making fun of other people, how they look, and then caling them names, maybe you should take a look at yourself, its really not the outside of a person that makes the person its who they are and in your case youd be ugly either way.
if thats wat u wanna call getting hoed then go for it. but i really didnt get hoed at all. i didnt make a fool of myself like they are. thanks for the comment tho.
ok again no name you must be scared if ur ganna do this leave a fucking name and another thing where up there did she say anything about ally being orange she didnt sooo really it has to be some one that is friends or nos ally sooo again stop being a fucking pussy and put ur fucking name down
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