Apr 24, 2010 01:01
Thursday (Pre-Con):
Amber picked me up and we ran around getting things prepared, got her costume, got Dom looking dapper, and we headed out to Seattle for Pre-Reg. The lines were long as usual, but we had a good time on pictochat (hehe aka annual penis screen day, I'm still the master.) Met a couple random people, one was a girl who had a really annoying voice, another was a know it all bjd owner who really got on my nerves. Also met a really cute girl who was super interested in Dom o_O. After we got our badges,we went on a mini trip to the amazing 3 floored Lovers, and then to Panda Express, then we skedaddled back to my place to prep for the actual con.
We bolted straight for the Dealers hall, scored some pretty awesome stuff. Friday was more our walk around day so I don’t remember a whole lot.. I remember seeing Doug, who I wish I could’ve hung out with more, along with a couple doll people that I didn't get the names of.
Because we were both so tired from the day before, I accidentally left my phone with Amber, and that means ZERO CONTACT. Lucky she got up and online so I could catch her, or we would have missed Saturday completely. Luckily we got out in time for the Saturday doll meet, where my friend Alder was actually opening her new arrival. There was much oohing and ahing, and I got to see my dream doll in person, a SOOM Beryl.. mmmm succubus. Anyway, then after that and some time later we went to the gaia panel and OMG was 6 feet away from Lanzer!
After begging for a ride to the con center, I got there just in time to find Alder, and we hung out and waited for the BJD panels. The panels themselves were pretty basic, mostly just what a BJD is and how they work, how they're made, strung, all that fun stuff. I DID get to see a Tamer Luna! OMG shes gorgeous in person. Fenris also tortured me with her minifee Shushu, Winter. After the panel, we migrated to the atrium for a meet, saw ALL of KireiX’s dolls (I had to inform her of the busted scale on her Sphaler..) and got into some interesting conversations with Kasa and 2Otaku about doll peen and such. After that, we went home.
Verdict: Made plenty of new friends, got some awesome swag. My doll wishlist doubled. Saw loads of artists and overall pleased with my experience. 10/10