To my friends list

Sep 02, 2011 07:08

So, I realise that I have been horribly neglectful of y'all.  To make for this lack of attention, due to Big Bang issues (I'm now waiting for a pinch hitter artist, so if you know someone send them over to the Deancas BB) and RL (yeah I have one), I'm gonna take the time to visit each and everyone of you and leave you all some love for your hard work.

If you want to return the favour, fell free to leave me some prompts for short fics.  Think I'm done with the Bangs for the year, so let me know what you fancy and I'll see if it fits any of my bunnies.  I'm willing to dip a toe into the waters of Hawaii5O and Torchwood/Doctor Who as well and you're the folk I write for...

I'm good up to end of S6 of SPN, Season 1 of H5o, All TW and the DT DWho.


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